Plumbing ? I think not.

kevplumb said:
depending on where you are it's the corroiolis affect ;)

i thought that was water spiralling down the plug hole
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lol @ kevplumb...

I miss that northern humour ...:)

brits here are all hooray henry southern lots ....I would even enjoy having a drink with a yorkie lad , (tightfisted buggers that they are !)
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Thermo said:
i think its something called the bernoulli effect. As i recall its something to do with the air pressure and how it effects water. ie if you have an open top vent pipe, as the wind blows across the top of the opening, it can effect the water in the bend making it move. im sure someone else knows a little more detail on it.

or it could just be you swaying with the stella! :LOL:
bernolli olive oil efect :eek: ...........venturi effect ;) :LOL: as used in carburettori par quattroporte vehiculare del castrate fellatio :LOL: