This post might save your life......if you apply it.

What am I doing? I’ve just liked and agreed with a post from Doppleganger!
Me too.. I have to say, the post from DL, doesn't fit with what I learned as an advanced instructor. But there are plenty of schools of thought out there. I can't find his book either ;)
A great old friend of mine was killed on his 69th birthday, also the day he retired, driving home from work for the last time, to a restaurant where his family were waiting for a celebratory dinner. Some idiot veered into his lane. They were both killed. The youngster was probably looking at his phone or something, so a different scenario, but still, not many people walk away from those collisions.

Many years ago I was a passenger in a car and the driver decided to overtake going up a hill - there were 4 of us in the car. Totally insane. He obviously misjudged how the extra weight affected the car's power. Luckily nothing came down the hill that night.
Be careful, even if you don't charge, you need insurance and might also be breaking the law if you are not an ADI.

Good point & one that is always in my head.

If I'm helping someone who is pre-test it is always done with the cooperation of their ADI. I'm not in any way trying to compete with or replace the ADI & I've never had dual controls fitted to any of my cars.
If I'm helping someone who is pre-test it is always done with the cooperation of their ADI. I'm not in any way trying to compete with or replace the ADI & I've never had dual controls fitted to any of my cars.
Gosh, I bet those ADI's really appreciate your help and wonder why they ever bothered qualifying when there’s real unqualified experts like you about who can teach their pupils better than them.:rolleyes:
Good point & one that is always in my head.

If I'm helping someone who is pre-test it is always done with the cooperation of their ADI. I'm not in any way trying to compete with or replace the ADI & I've never had dual controls fitted to any of my cars.

Sorry but you are taking a massive risk and are wide open to a damages claim, not to mention the criminal aspects of giving driver training without being an ADI (or trainee ADI). There is some really nasty case law on this.
Sorry but you are taking a massive risk and are wide open to a damages claim, not to mention the criminal aspects of giving driver training without being an ADI (or trainee ADI). There is some really nasty case law on this.

That's a very blanket statement about a subject that has no right or wrong answer. It is only illegal when you ACCEPT PAYMENT to instruct a learner without the correct ADI licence, otherwise the rules surrounding supervising a learner driver must all be nonsense.

What qualifications do I need to tell a bloke in the pub to use his handbrake at junctions rather than riding the clutch? Is there a difference if I do this when sat next to him in his car?

What qualifications do I need to 'legally' instruct someone driving a 44ton C+E LGV for the very first time?

If I tell a rider to drag the rear brake to tighten up on a fast corner am I responsible if the rear lets loose? Is there a legal implication to whether I'm riding in front of them or to the rear?

I hate to get in a battle of wits with the unarmed, it is mostly why I walked away from just about all the organisations that 'claim' to promote better driving, let all of my higher quals' lapse & enjoyed my BP returning to normal now that I no longer have to surround myself with anally retentive highway code preachers :)
Gosh, I bet those ADI's really appreciate your help and wonder why they ever bothered qualifying when there’s real unqualified experts like you about who can teach their pupils better than them.:rolleyes:

I've yet to meet a responsible ADI whose happy to take £300 off a pupil just to teach them how to overcome a nervous disposition. My ADI of choice always takes a few minutes to meet with & explain to Mum & Dad what they should & should NOT be doing when they supervise their kids in the family car, & I love him for that.

An ADI really only teaches them how to pass a test, perhaps the ADI should bear some legal responsibility during the pupils first few months after passing that test?
An ADI really only teaches them how to pass a test, perhaps the ADI should bear some legal responsibility during the pupils first few months after passing that test?

Are Driving Tests still being cancelled due to poor weather conditions on the day of the test ?

How many driving instructors give lessons for driving in adverse weather conditions even though the test does not ( did not ) include driving in hazardous conditions.

It would be unfair that ADI should bear some legal responsibility during the pupil's first few months after a test which does not test the driver's ability to cope in anything other than good weather.

Watching young drivers on a skid pan was entertaining, until one realised that other new drivers might experience their first skid on black ice with no run out area.
@Dork Lard - it entirely depends how you present yourself and how you offer feedback. A driver who is supervising a learner, presents themselves as a driver qualified to act as a supervisor for free, there is no commercial relationship or referral. They don't present themselves as having advanced or otherwise instructor qualifications. Neither have they been referred by someone to whom they have paid a fee. Even if you are acting as an 'observer' offering feedback to a qualified driver you have a duty of care. This is why IAM groups for example carry insurance.

There are unfortunately decided cases which mean you have significant risk.
I hate to get in a battle of wits with the unarmed, it is mostly why I walked away from just about all the organisations that 'claim' to promote better driving, let all of my higher quals' lapse & enjoyed my BP returning to normal now that I no longer have to surround myself with anally retentive highway code preacher

I bet you’re sorely missed. :rolleyes:

I take it you’re the sort of person that would employ a bar room lawyer/mechanic/plumber/doctor/dentist/plasterer/electrician/heating engineer etc etc on the strength of him knowing it all/been there, done that, got the T shirt instead of some stoopid idiot who has been trained with a recognised qualification eh?
When we were kids a mate of mine got hit by a bus while waiting at a bus stop.

Please take my advice and never stand at a bus stop, this could also save your life.