Poorest Are The Hardest Hit

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
...according to Which?, because the price of budget or own-label food and drink is rising much more sharply than the alternative branded or own-label premium versions.
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To be fair, it's always those who don't have much who tend to find themselves with less when the economy goes tits up! Also, those who have been buying premium brands for a while can offset the price hikes by switching to lower cost alternatives... something those already using the cheapest option can't do.
They'll have to cancel sky, and give up cider, vaping and tobacco next. I'm sure there are some desperately poor people, which this comment wouldn't apply to. But the key to budget eating is not what brands you buy. Its what you buy.

You hear people complain that they can't afford to give their kids breakfast - what not even porridge (which is perfectly macro balanced) at 5p a portion?
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Eggs are going up. Chickens have lost all sense of direction. 8p, now.

Seriously though, there are things which could be done, like low rates for the first units of power, etc, that we use, loaded onto the higher users.
Dorks of the world would strive to pay at the highest rates so they could crow about it.
They'll have to cancel sky, and give up cider, vaping and tobacco next. I'm sure there are some desperately poor people, which this comment wouldn't apply to. But the key to budget eating is not what brands you buy. Its what you buy.

You hear people complain that they can't afford to give their kids breakfast - what not even porridge (which is perfectly macro balanced) at 5p a portion?
I doubt you know many people on low incomes ?

the choice is often not about porridge or gammon, its often about which bill to pay and which 1 not to. Sometimes the food shopping doesn't happen. Lots of teachers will tell you about hungry kids. Not all of those have parents have sky, drink and smoke.
Nothing new

The poorest in society are always the hardest hit

Has always been so and always will be
When you turn up at a food bank, I assume you have to register. ?

I know some have cooking advice which is great

Do you have to have a budget document of any sort?
Do they offer education or help in preparing one?
I may be some sort of stereotypical arse, but I'm imagining that some would protest that their human rights were being infringed if you made handouts contingent on going through that.
Unfortunately the poorest are also often the dumbest , difficult to budget if you can’t count to 20 or buy the right foods when you can’t read the labels .
They'll have to cancel sky, and give up cider, vaping and tobacco next. I'm sure there are some desperately poor people, which this comment wouldn't apply to. But the key to budget eating is not what brands you buy. Its what you buy.

You hear people complain that they can't afford to give their kids breakfast - what not even porridge (which is perfectly macro balanced) at 5p a portion?
I have porridge every day.

1kg box does 19 servings

my recipe:
55g oats
100ml water
200ml milk

Sugar sprinkle on top and about 10 red grapes halved

I used to get Scotts but for some reason I found it not thickening so got some from Lidl….which I discovered is half the price, currently £1.15

not sure why I’m saying all this………
I can confirm Tescos cheapie is bad. Way too flowery.

Don't put sugar on anything though. Damn stuff's poison.
A sprinkle of cheap sultanas sweetens it and adds a bit of texture. I prefer cranberries, but they're hard to buy without any sugar.

Does anyone have a way to combine an egg with porridge?
I Googled - mustn't get it too hot?
Poor people buy cheap food.

In other news.


(and they will eat your porridge, given half a chance.);)
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