Classic Sabbath.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Im white English, so I'm automatically a right wing racist knuckle dragging thug.
Habib & Lowe get together to slag Farage. Well who thought that. Both think they are above the party, all they have done is to hinder the progress of the last chance this country has of remaining British. You want to stick your arse in the air, nose down & chant 5 times a day, You want hundreds of thousands of illegals roaming the streets? The government has no intention whatsoever of keeping this country safe. Rape, Murder, every day, you want your wife or daughter dragged behind a wall & raped or Murdered? Then you go to court to see the law has changed in favour of these animals. The justice system has now officially gone 2 tier. If your an immigrant or from an ethnic background, you will get a lesser sentence than a white Englishman. Over the next few years we will see all sorts of crap emerge against Farage & Reform, because both Lab & Cons are frightened to death they will be ousted from power. In my 74 years I have seen it all, strikes, 3 day week, no petrol, no electricity, no transport, virtually all our industry gone, all by Labour & Conservative. We are a laughing stock.