Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016...

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Zimbabwe and Weimar Germany (post WW1) are similar in many respects, not least in the manner of their supply-side collapse and continued deficit spending ... but we can come back to that later if you like.
Sure, if you want, but I'm not too bothered.

Back to basics - I don't mean to be condescending here so if I am then please tell me - but the UK hasn't been on the gold standard for a very long time.

First, I'll ask you a question:

How would you explain to someone where £s come from (it's ok to say you don't really know, most people don't)?
Well, that's a pretty open and never ending question, both from a fiscal perspective and from a monetary perspective.
From a Fiscal perspective the government can only spend what it collects, or can borrow.
From a Monetary perspective, the banks can simply invent more £'s

But you seem to have your hands full with lots of other comments, and I don't have a lot of time available for an economics discussion.
So if you like we can maybe pick it up sometime later.
You dont recall how divisive Trump was?
Might pay to remember him placing rather right wing judges onto their supreme court. One or more, can't remember but the decisions depend on the voting. Ours is set up in much the same way.
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Why - are you busy trolling other forums too?
Obviously you're not, you appear to be content to troll just this forum.

Have you contributed any worthwhile comments yet today?
The facts are the SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade and Biden went ballistic.
Probably done more harm to the Repulican party than Trump. It may also factor as the main reason people will vote democrat these next mid-term elections.

The Dems will likely see both Roe vs Wade and Trump as a gift to their party. The Dems were dead in the water till both put a spanner in.
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Sure, if you want, but I'm not too bothered.

Well, that's a pretty open and never ending question, both from a fiscal perspective and from a monetary perspective.
From a Fiscal perspective the government can only spend what it collects, or can borrow.
From a Monetary perspective, the banks can simply invent more £'s

But you seem to have your hands full with lots of other comments, and I don't have a lot of time available for an economics discussion.
So if you like we can maybe pick it up sometime later.
Well, it's not open or never ending, it's pretty simple and straightforward.

Your answer regarding government is incorrect. Your answer regarding banks is pretty close.

It wouldn't be an economics discussion (that might come afterwards) it would be a simple description of how things work.

I've spent a lot of time on Twitter discussing politics, economics and govt fiscal ops but I decided to give that up a good while back.
I haven't been active on any forums for a long time so I thought I'd give it a go.

But sure, give me a shout any time you're up for the discussion and I'll do my best to help wherever I can.

Had this alert on my Windows10 PC for some reason - usually it just shows the weather.

"dropping fast".

Doesn't sound good!
It's the energy crisis... mostly.

It probably explains why I'm being asked to do so many yacht deliveries lately.. that and the zero vat Brexit bonus.
I have had to place an order to top up my Oil Central Heating tank
Curious - how much a litre?
You seem to be one of Truss's forgoten lot but the problem has been mentioned. Actions -nothing so far.
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