Pound in biggest monthly fall against the dollar since 2016...

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Pointless. The general Tory aim as always is to cut the fiscal load and boost the economy and raise more that way. They have other favourites too.

So you provide the info you ask for everyone to read.

One strawman post deserves another in reply.
If you understood and could explain how govt fiscal ops work in the UK, you would have. You obviously don't understand the system at all or the significance of that understanding.

The rest of your post is meaningless word salad. it's a further example of how far out of your depth you are, "cut the fiscal load", "raise more that way" ... Give me strength.

Instead of demonstrating your lack of grasp on how things work - but putting forward nonsensical opinions anyway - go and study how the system works.

When you've done that, come back and maybe we can have a serious discussion.
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Inflation is a good way to cut government debt Andy.
I know, that's one reason why crooked governments inflate their currencies. Some of the best placed people in an inflated economy are those who took out pre-inflation loans. Those who suffer are people with savings, especially when there are low inflation rates accompanying the inflation, which has been the case since Gordon Brown. It rewards the imprudent (borrowers) while punishing prudent savers. It is an evil, anti-conservative thing to do with money, which is why our left-leaning governments do it.

Also best placed are those who first receive the newly minted money; they get to buy things at current prices before their actions push prices up.
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America is heading for civil war.
The Republicans will win because they have the guns and the money.
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Biden has lost the plot.
He said 50% of America is fascist and a threat to the state.
Instead of unifying his country, he is using the old trick of setting one side against the other in order to keep himself in power.
His rhetoric about abortion has seen pro life information offices attacked and Christian churches burned.
Biden has lost the plot.
He said 50% of America is fascist and a threat to the state.
Instead of unifying his country, he is using the old trick of setting one side against the other in order to keep himself in power.
His rhetoric about abortion has seen pro life information offices attacked and Christian churches burned.
'Setting one side against another' - are you serious?
Either you haven't been paying attention or you need to go to Specsavers.
Biden has lost the plot.
He said 50% of America is fascist and a threat to the state.
Instead of unifying his country, he is using the old trick of setting one side against the other in order to keep himself in power.
His rhetoric about abortion has seen pro life information offices attacked and Christian churches burned.
is that a serious post ?
Not 50%.
Just the MAGA morons that believe Trumps' deivisive lies about elections etc. It's true Trump is a threat to democracy.
How many Americans voted for Trump at the last election?
How many Americans voted for Trump at the last election?
I new Trump factor relating to the infamous paper work found in one of his houses. They have appointed a master what ever that means. Some of the papers are extremely sensitive. The master seems to have decided they are so sensitive the FBI can't examine them.

Other comments - people locked up relating to less sensitive documents.
Not rhetoric, facts.
The facts are the SCOTUS overturned Roe v Wade and Biden went ballistic.
The so called Democrats have vilified the Trump appointed judges to the supreme court to the extent that they now need 24 hr protection of their homes and families from pro abortion mobs.
Pro life groups have been attacked and their premises fire bombed.
Christian churches have been picketed by pro abortion mobs shouting abuse at people attending services.
These are the facts.
The so called Democrats have vilified the Trump appointed judges to the supreme court to the extent that they now need 24 hr protection
You don't think they have done that to themselves? All Biden has done is try and find a way allowing women in the states affected to get an abortion if they want one. He appears to not agree with the change. He and his party can have views that differ to others.
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