Power cuts by the weekend ?

Saves me retyping it.

Rough is just an old gas field. When prices are low gas is pumped in, when prices are high gas is pumped out. That’s how Centrica made a profit from storage.

The government were right to push back on funding rough, just because the market model changed.

If rough is depleted, we do not run out of gas.
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It’s worth remembering that Rough was closed in 2017. Nobody was running a story that gas would run out. You do not need a storage facility to secure gas prices. There is a whole energy trading industry that exists.
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Headlines !

The headlines initially came from a Centrica press release, where they argue for government support to help them expand storage. Although that seems to be more about hydrogen. There is absolutely no chance of the average citizen being able to make head or tail of this.
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Nobody was running a story that gas would run out.
The Telegraph was:

"British Gas warns there is only a week of supply left​

UK storage sites only half full as Britain braces for low wind speeds and freezing temperatures"

that headline is designed to give the impression we would run out of gas in a week
Seems incredible. But with Rache doing her best to damage The UK economy
not true though

The UK economy and Millipede ruining our energy security.
not true

peop;e are under this false impression that North seal oil field is bursting with oil...........its not, its highly depleted and the cost of extraction is way higher than most other oil fields like Saudi Arabia
the Telegraph are wanting to create a panic..........because we have a Labour govt
What we are seeing is a typical corporate strategy of...

There's some new people in town, lets tap them up for some investment before they wise up.
The Telegraph was:

"British Gas warns there is only a week of supply left​

UK storage sites only half full as Britain braces for low wind speeds and freezing temperatures"

that headline is designed to give the impression we would run out of gas in a week
My post refers to 2017 When it was closed.

The leftie papers are equally blaming the Tories for a failure to invest in storage, arguing that its the conservatives fault we will run out of gas.

Meanwhile Wholesale gas prices were falling up until the 10-Jan. Suddenly the graph went the other way. I wonder what happened around the 10th of January.

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