Unlike others I agree with the idea. Of course it's not meant to replace central heating, but if you've got wasted heat why not use it? Even if it just raises the temperature by a couple of degrees, for such little outlay it has to be worth it.
That is what I believe and it maps well against the current "spend 20k for solar power that only pays for itself over 20 years and only if you have a subsidy for selling back to the national grid". At some points of the year it does replace central heating, not often but on the odd day when the house is at 17 and the roof air is above 25 degrees, over the whole year averaged out it's just using minimal effort to shift air from one place to another against convection. Out of all of the posters, that thought about the replacement of the air is certainly the one thing I have to investigate as the air accumulates heat over time, although having unplumbed in water tanks in the roof space (conveniently I have these) could act as a nice heat sink to extend the effect through the night (when solar would be useless). There is a lot of waster everywhere in every house, I may do the calculations or experiment to see about a basic heat exchange to the bath, sink, waste water outlets to preheat the "heat sinks".
Funny thing this, I looked at the BTU of the cheaper heaters on the market, the "normal" radiators one gets and then compared them size by size with the designer radiators that cost up to ten times the amount, and the cheaper ones beat the others every time. I'm also investing in an infra red thermometer to check inlet versus outlet temperatures for the radiators currently installed. I'm very serious about this as a business, but I only have so many hours in the day and the other business is faster to set up, build and run, so I'm literally putting this one up for grabs and mapping out for anyone to use as I think the current home energy solutions are not viable economically.
I realise there's probably the odd professional here that is doing solar or water heating installations here already and really they should be thinking, well I'd be making the same money installing this new idea, but the market is bigger because the component cost is less prohibitive.