President Trump and the State Visit to the UK

It's all irrelevant anyway, the petition is just a protest vote. Teresa May has already invited Trump on behalf of the queen and it's been accepted.
Invitations can be rescinded:
Foreign Office decides ambassador's presence at ceremony would be 'unacceptable' at a time when UK is at loggerheads with Damascus over Syria's crackdown on protesters
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Mo's now been allowed in, as of last night apparently.
And yes, Trump is being uber scary and this is just week one. I just hope someone in America, with their love of guns, sorts him out soon!!
That is a very Trump-like comment. The kind of comment that makes Trump undesirable.
I notice there were no protests when Obama banned Iraqi citizens from entering the US in 2011. There were no petitions to ban Obama from visiting this country at the time either. No petitions asking our government to ban Chinese, Saudi, heads of state/ leaders from visiting the UK (and just look at these countries human rights records)
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I notice there were no protests when Obama banned Iraqi citizens from entering the US in 2011. There were no petitions to ban Obama from visiting this country at the time either. No petitions asking our government to ban Chinese, Saudi, heads of state/ leaders from visiting the UK (and just look at these countries human rights records)
In justifying his controversial executive order halting travelers from seven majority-Muslim countries, President Trump claimed that President Barack Obama did the same thing in 2011. But the comparison is a bit facile.

The real story based on the arrest of two Iraqi refugees:
The arrests caused in uproar in Congress and the Obama administration pledged to re-examine the records of 58,000 Iraqis who had been settled in the United States. The administration also imposed new, more extensive background checks on Iraqi refugees.

This might be of interest to you and others that post fake news:
MPs are launching a parliamentary inquiry into the "growing phenomenon of fake news".
Edit, maybe this is worthy of a new post?
Don't use my thread for your conversations with each other. Start a new one for yourselves

off-topic squabbling removed
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A reasonable take on the situation.

At least a link to the "Full text of Trump's executive order on 7-nation ban, refugee suspension" is provided.

The current 'petition' was started by ... A lawyer.
Could be Brexit - Trump is a kick back against the species - recall Blair, Clinton - Fast, smooth talkers, manufacturers of consent.


I only read the first bit and there were two things already wrong in the article, so doesn't seem too reasonable.
First, the thing about the lawyers and the author saying it wasn't just about Muslims - but there's plenty of footage and quotes about Trumps view on Muslims so quite easily argue that it WAS about the Muslims.

Second is the part about Obama doing the same. Doesn't seem to be true...
Sorry empip, but it is not a reasonable take on the situation as one of the contentions in that article has already been debunked as 'fake news.'
Next, is such a temporary ban unusual in world affairs? Not at all. Obama did the same with respect to the Iranians, put a temporary freeze on entry into the US.
Obama did not apply any freeze on immigration, and both blightymam and I have referenced material to show how that contention is not only false, but it is 'fake news.' Also, it was not Iranians, but Iraqis that were subjected to increased scrutiny.
I see Farage is spreading this fake news story.
But former UKIP leader Nigel Farage said many British politicians were guilty of "double standards", suggesting he had not heard any condemnation of President Obama for imposing a six month ban on Iraqis entering the US in 2011 following the discovery of two suspected Iraqi terrorists living in Kentucky.
This story has already been debunked but Farage continues to pedal it. I suppose fake news is his normal fodder.
If it happened in 2011 (or not) then it can hardly be news, fake or not. It's just lying, misrepresenting, or being mistaken.
the words farage used are very similar to lots of tweets, blogs and facebook posts that started appearing Sunday p.m.

It is said that Putin's news management fog relies on a network of a few hundred recognisable users who flood the net with shares and likes.

I wonder how many Trump has.
With a nod and a wink to my thread about the committee looking at fake news. Maybe fake news and its perpetrators are a threat to democracy.
With a nod and a wink to my thread about the committee looking at fake news. Maybe fake news and its perpetrators are a threat to democracy.
I find it interesting that by forming such a comitte the government is basically admitting that social media has more influence on people than 'real news' or even 'real life'... You'd think instead of trying to stifle it they would jump at the chance to use it for the dissemination of their own party propaganda. Seems like an opportunity missed.
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