President Trump and the State Visit to the UK

No you didn't counter his point. You didn't address his point at all.
I am beginning to have a degree of understanding and sympathy for Himaginn:
blightymam said:
The one I remember used to misread & misunderstand posts and their meanings, then convince himself that he was correct, despite it never being written in the first place.
He was a tiresome man and impossible to debate with,
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You really should take a long, hard, analytical look in a mirror. See if you recognise anything.
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It's another propaganda video tho.
I do hear you Woody, I do hear you but am not sharing as extreme view as you. I don't agree with what Trump is doing. He is going to create more hatred and division with this, and his wall, and this really isn't good. I also wonder what more vetting he is going to come up with when he opens the borders again, surely the intelligence service in the USA is already doing everything they can?
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As said by someone previously he's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. And the majority voted him in because of what he said he was going to do. Good on him, politicians always make promises and never crack on with them.
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It's another propaganda video tho

Its always propaganda when the local population suffer but worth marching for by the libertards and raising the banners when theres a hint that jonny foreigner might be having his human rights trampled on.

Hillary Clinton wanted the word "radical" dropped when referring to muslims of a war mongering nature. Probably thought it would upset them.
She would have America down the same path as merkels Germany.
Stoopid bi@@hes.
Trump won.
Yeeee haaaa.
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For those sick of all the whining about Trump

Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.

Shame about the spilling misteek but hey ho.
because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.
Did you mean to be quite that funny? :)
Did anyone listen to the R4 interview of Baroness Warsi this morning. There she was bemoaning Trump for banning Muslims, and the presenter pointed out that Pakistani and Saudi Arabia hadn't been banned, so it couldn't be about Muslims, and Warsi was stumped and started changing direction, and when it was pointed out that there hadn't been a protest when Obama banned the Iraqis, she started blustering. I was so surprised at R4 for the stance they took.
I didn't say it.

If you wanted to give the impression that you were quoting somebody else, you should have written

"somebody else said that the moon is green"

If you write direct speech, you are using the words as your own.
back to the lawnmowers.

I think I can see what the big problem is, and it isn't refugees.

Trump is obviously starting at the top of the list.

He'll get to lawnmowers; don't worry.

Stop keeping on. You do the case no good, at all.
It's up to any country who they want to let in. None of these protestors were so quick to protest about, oh, Rotherham, Rochdale, Derby or Oxford for instance.

I hope we don't get this level of protest from people in the US once Brexit gives us control of our own borders.
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