President Trump and the State Visit to the UK

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I've never thought of it like that before. Who'd have thought Katie would make a good point?

And no one is protesting about any of the Gulf states and the fact that they have not taken any refugees and refuse to do so. Particularly Saudi Arabia who specifically cite security concerns.

Not one single protest.
There are comments below the LBC link which say that is not the case - just saying.

I don't know the truth but I'd like to.
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And Lebanon. Over a million they've taken in and counting. Oh well Katie, you never say anything helpful.
There are comments below the LBC link which say that is not the case - just saying.

I don't know the truth but I'd like to.

What's not the case?

It's not the case that the first choice for a migrant or refugee is a country that shares the same religion and culture?

Or it is not the case that Muslim countries just flatly refused to accept their brethren in the spirit of the religion of peace?
Ill thought out policy imho

As for any wall being built on the Mexican border , afaik there is already a massive barbed wire fence there, so the fence comes down a wall go's up

dunno what all the fuss is about ?

during Obamas presidency 2.4 million illegals were repatriated / sent back to mexico & that's only they ones they caught ?

The UK paid the French to build a wall in Calais , I assume it was built to keep people out ??

Saudis have had state visits to the UK have nt they ??

Afaik any woman in that democratic country Saudi . has to have permission from a man before they can leave the country or has to be accompanied by a man ?
Any links to what the social security and benefit system is like in say, Saudi Arabia?

It must surely be good as it's a wealthy country isn't it?
Why don't you do some research and find out?
I don't know what you guys are moaning about, Donald Trump has already come to Britain, and he stayed with me for a night over, next morning he had to go to a meeting and so i thought i will go in his room and check all is well and if he needs anything, so I looked at his baggage, and couldn't help nosing around what make that man tick, so I opened his bag and found a packet that had 3 french letters, and I am thinking oh course, he is Donald Trump, ladies melt seeing him and their nickers drop to their knees in no time, so while I was frisking his baggage, he pops back from the meeting (where ever it was) and finds me in his room he was staying, and i apologised to him for being in his room but I was just tidying up things for him, and he said thank you Mike, and then I woke up! what a dream I thought, Donald Trump of all the people in this world! and him coming to stay in my house! I bet he wouldn't put me up in his Trump Tower!
Trump has already cleared out a lot of the Ambassadors and senior staff.

(see "Top US diplomats leave State Department"

Now his bullying Press Poodle (you remember, the one who berated the Press for reporting crowd size at Trump's inauguration) issued a public threat to the remaining diplomats. Suck it up or lose your job.

"White House press secretary Sean Spicer has said US envoys who don't understand why or how President Donald Trump's travel ban keeps America safe should "get with the programme or they can go."

He was responding to reports that hundreds of US diplomats are set to formally criticise President Trump's new immigration restrictions."

It's a worrying time for people who can't understand the torrent of Trumpings.

Looks like he will be sacking the Attorney General as well
"US acting attorney general defies Trump immigrant ban"

And perhaps some pesky judges
"In the days after Mr Trump signed the executive order, federal judges in four states granted the ACLU's request for temporary injunctions prohibiting individuals who were detained at US airports from being sent back to their countries of origin."
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