Press release from the BMA

Much much higher than you knobrot, me & mine come 1st, then it's Dogs Trust .

You thought of that all on your own. Your font of creative juices doth flow over. You are a classic example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Also you self centred viewpoint has been totally debunked by the work of Nobel prize winning Daniel Kahneman.
Just for the record as it seem there are so many extreme snowflakes on here - limiting benefits to to 2 children is sensible maybe could have been increased to 3 children but in any case having a limit does make sense whether its set at 2 or 3.
Twenty five years ago I worked for an organisation where the HR manager was as thick as two planks. He was living, walking proof that you didn't need intelligence, charisma, leadership abilities, organisational skills or a personality to be a HR manager. If there was a sign on a door saying 'Push' this bloke would stand there pulling it. The words dolt or dullard don't come near. He'd risen through the ranks very quickly by drinking with the right people, playing golf with the right people and wearing an apron with lots of badges on it on Thursday evenings.
He left the job and went to work for the NHS in some high up strategic role. Says everything really.
Twenty five years ago I worked for an organisation where the HR manager was as thick as two planks. He was living, walking proof that you didn't need intelligence, charisma, leadership abilities, organisational skills or a personality to be a HR manager. If there was a sign on a door saying 'Push' this bloke would stand there pulling it. The words dolt or dullard don't come near. He'd risen through the ranks very quickly by drinking with the right people, playing golf with the right people and wearing an apron with lots of badges on it on Thursday evenings.
He left the job and went to work for the NHS in some high up strategic role. Says everything really.

Are you saying the NHS is badly run? As actual evidence from the UN, Kings Fund etc would disagree but if you are seeing things only from one perspective it can seem like that.

There are poor execs and senior managers in all walks of life from the private to the public sector. What about Nokia CEO? At one stage Nokia was worth north of 250bn euros - look at it now.
Jeremy Hunt is doing a first-class job. Unfortunately the job he is doing is to cripple the NHS efficiency and morale and to hollow out the staffing so that the voters lose faith in it and allow him to carve it up and sell it off for the benefit of private investors.

"Safe in our hands" my arse.

It's interesting to see that the cons have enlisted the support of the RWRs by encouraging them to think badly of patients.
Jeremy Hunt is doing a first-class job. Unfortunately the job he is doing is to cripple the NHS efficiency and morale and to hollow out the staffing so that the voters lose faith in it and allow him to carve it up and sell it off for the benefit of private investors.

"Safe in our hands" my arse.

It's interesting to see that the cons have enlisted the support of the RWRs by encouraging them to think badly of patients.

It is most disgusting what Hunt is doing and its by design. A horrible man and policies.

It's like Republicans in the US who rely on ACA hating on Obamacare (when its the same thing).
Yes Kanker my owd I am saying that the NHS is badly run. What would the UN know about anything? UN troops stood by armed to the teeth and did nothing whilst watching Serbs massacring thousands of Bosnian women and children.

This is my personal view as a free citizen in a democratic society. I am allowed to say this and will not be brow-beaten into changing my mind. No doubt you will respond to this post in the hope of firing up yet another bust up but I will not lower myself to argue with you. Go and vent your built up anger and frustration on someone/ something else. Take up a hobby.
Your two staunch supporters seem to agree with you.
Any examples that you know of?
You know something like what you sister's, friend's, next-door-neighbor's, cousin's friend told you?:rolleyes:

Heard it hundreds of times. " If I have a boy next they'll have to give me a 3 bedder" and similar. Remember working in numerous flats where 3 or 4 "breeders" would be drinking cider and smoking roll ups whilst there little angels tried to run off with my tools.
Why can you not accept the truth? This stuff is going on, daily, all over the country. It is not everyone, it is not the majority but there are thousands of scroungers like that. Personally I don't think there's much can be done and there are bigger issues and bigger thieves but denying there is a problem is very blinkered.
Your two staunch supporters seem to agree with you.
Any examples that you know of?
You know something like what you sister's, friend's, next-door-neighbor's, cousin's friend told you?:rolleyes:
Christ sake Wannabehimmyagain. Do you not own a television? There's countless programs on , devoted to exposing the ones who breed like there's no tomorrow, just so they get a bigger house/ more benefits and more importantly, don't have to get a bloody job to support their ever increasing brood. I suppose you too will deny it happens though? Ever eager to cosy up to your mod mate.
I wonder if Judy is a Jeremy Kyle enthusiast.
I should be interested to know your motives for denying that these people - some of whom I have housed because they are initially good at bullshít - exist.

I genuinely cannot think of one. It seems to serve no purpose. We KNOW they are out there.

If someone continually denied there were any racists in Britain or continually denied there was harassment of Polish people after the referendum, would you believe them?