Press release from the BMA

I should be interested to know your motives for denying that decent people - doing their best to get through life in difficult circumstances and bring up their families - exist.

I genuinely cannot think of one. It seems to serve no purpose. We KNOW they are out there.
I do not deny that nor have ever written anything like that.

It is a stupid retort and not a valid response to my question.
I should be interested to know your motives for denying that these people - some of whom I have housed because they are initially good at bullshít - exist.

I do not deny that nor have ever written anything like that.

It is a stupid question.

My retort is entirely valid.
the benefits and support system should be designed to help the decent people - doing their best to get through life in difficult circumstances and bring up their families.

Not to hammer them into the ground.
No doubt you do, but you are filled with hate.

If you were still working, and lost some limbs, or were widowed or unemployed with young children, or worked in a collapsing industry and could not find employment, or all four, then some of the rest of us would be willing to chip in and help you stay afloat. You would benefit from our community spirit. Mankind is a social animal.

Even if you were an undesirable Surrey man.
Rather then stray from the subject matter of the thread may I suggest some of you spend some time on YouTube viewing the various short (some long) videos' about the Under Hand way various Governments have been crippling your NHS.

the benefits and support system should be designed to help the decent people - doing their best to get through life in difficult circumstances and bring up their families.

Not to hammer them into the ground.
Totally agree.

But, as always, you take an extreme position, just to be contrary (probably, to generate site traffic).
The full story lies in the middle ground.
As well as pouring your scorn on the "rwrs", save some for the scroungers who screw it up for the genuinely needy and deserving.
you take an extreme position, just to be contrary

...the ones who breed like there's no tomorrow, just so they get a bigger house/ more benefits and more importantly, don't have to get a bloody job to support their ever increasing brood....

.. " If I have a boy next they'll have to give me a 3 bedder" ...3 or 4 "breeders" would be drinking cider and smoking roll ups whilst there little angels tried to run off with my tools....thousands of scroungers...

all the fat lazy ****s will need to pay for gastric bypass and diabetes treatment instead of free...

Extreme position, eh?