Robert9999. I have been saying this for years. Prison should be a harsh environment, where anyone sent down, doesn't want to ever go back there.
These days though, the liberal guardianistas have exerted their pressure on government and society, and sentences are now halved almost automatically. Prisoners , don't have to show any remorse before their considered for parole. They don't even have to keep their noses clean whilst in prison to get parole ( at least that what it seems like. Before anyone shoots me down in flames)
What's wrong with judges handing down sentences of 5 , 10 or 15 yrs and stating that this will mean 5, 10 or 15yrs, before the crim will be released?
The government have already said, they will close 6 prisons. If crime is increasing, then why not build more? Make them harsh places that convicts don't want to be in. Let's have visits once every 6 months. Lets lock them up 23hrs out of every 24. Lets have better security so drugs/mobile phones/money. don't find their way into prisons.
I'm sure this could be done, but only if the liberal guardianistas allow it to be done.
Let's rescind the pernicious Human Rights Act , that gives more rights to prisoners than it does to the victims. I'm sure that society would be a better place.