prison riot

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because we don't have the balls to vote for the death penalty !!! :rolleyes:
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It's because... jobs, simple. Watch this space.

What,,, are they being made to work for their keep in prison? Or do they want to work?.
Let them riot all they want , but don't provide food for them, turn the heating/lighting off until they behave themselves. Don't allow them clean clothes/hot water till they calm down. Send in the SAS with freezing cold water cannon. Let all prisoners lie in the filth of their own creating. Take away pool tables, tv's phones. only allow supervised visits once every 6 months.
There are ways to deal with these scumbag scroats. All we need is a government to boot out the Human Rights Act and tell Europe to keep their noses out of our business. Line up the liberal guardianistas in front of a firing squad when they complain of bad treatment of criminals.
. Crime?? Would be sorted within months.
Your miles out,remember Strangeways?. Why do you think that went on.

Do you remember the(i think ) oklahoma bombing, a nursery in the U.S., went on.?.
you walk through that door you have no rights to nothing whatsoever

how it was in my day

and yes i have spent time on the wrong side of a cell door
With their newly obtained right to vote, cost to U.K taxpayer arguing with E.U £135m, these misunderstood people will soon beable to set their own terms for imprisonment.
Term of imprisonment = suspension of civil 'rights'
Riot and we shoot you
No remission on a sentence, 5 years means 5 years. Want to be an a*se in prison= more time added on, you could be imprisioned for not paying a fine and do life, up to you.
I believe most of these prisoners are 15/18 year olds.They're rioting yeah? Why?....Because they don't know the meaning of discipline...none of them do.

The pathetic way they have been allowed to do what they damn well like for the last forty years is directly responsible for this behaviour.And will continue until politicians restore things as they used to be....and that will never happen...will it?

When I was at school donkeys years ago...Our teachers had all been in the forces during the war.They passed on their lessons in discipline to us.And most of us did as we were damn well told.
Hear, hear. - same with ours - one even had a load of schrapnel in his back causing a constant twitch/shudder . Yeah we took the **** like the rest of them - he`d got "metal fatigue" :rolleyes: - but every last one of us had a deep respect for him and the other veterans. PS it`s Scrote - invented by Ronnie Barker- short for scrotum :idea: . Anyone see cops on Channel 4 ? Some scrote was allowed airtime to do a "rap" - biggest load of C-Rap I`ve heard , and an excuse for C4 to let the C- word out on air :rolleyes: Last time I heard it on TV was a Tony Hancock biography , apparently he called his mother in law one .- My point ? The media are just like us kids were @ school- seeing how far we could go - and so are the prison inmates , aided and abetted by Human Rights etc.
It has recently been on the news that the re-offending rate for ex-prisoners is about 75% within 12 months. Probably a lot of this is drug related. That is a problem that needs a new approach

I saw a T.V. programme a couple of years ago about the military prison at Colchester. The programme ended with the statement that the re-offending rate was below 6%. Why can't civilian prisons be run on the same lines and so hopefully with the same outcome?

In my opinion, prisons should be harsh but not inhumane - no T.V., no games, just work. And cold turkey for drug takers. A prisoner should come out determined not to return.
I heard an interview with a prison psychologist on Radio 4. He said that in nearly every instance prisoners who are addicts were criminals long before they were addicts. The type of weak willed person that will steal is also likely to take drugs.
Robert9999. I have been saying this for years. Prison should be a harsh environment, where anyone sent down, doesn't want to ever go back there.
These days though, the liberal guardianistas have exerted their pressure on government and society, and sentences are now halved almost automatically. Prisoners , don't have to show any remorse before their considered for parole. They don't even have to keep their noses clean whilst in prison to get parole ( at least that what it seems like. Before anyone shoots me down in flames)
What's wrong with judges handing down sentences of 5 , 10 or 15 yrs and stating that this will mean 5, 10 or 15yrs, before the crim will be released?
The government have already said, they will close 6 prisons. If crime is increasing, then why not build more? Make them harsh places that convicts don't want to be in. Let's have visits once every 6 months. Lets lock them up 23hrs out of every 24. Lets have better security so drugs/mobile phones/money. don't find their way into prisons.
I'm sure this could be done, but only if the liberal guardianistas allow it to be done.
Let's rescind the pernicious Human Rights Act , that gives more rights to prisoners than it does to the victims. I'm sure that society would be a better place.
It didn't work for the Victorians so why do you think it will work for us? Most prisoners have extremely low IQ and education - they're nearly all thick boggas.
It didn't work for the Victorians so why do you think it will work for us? Most prisoners have extremely low IQ and education - they're nearly all thick boggas.
Lets bring back hanging and corporal punishment then Joe. Shoot the bas****s , Hang them, Birch them!!!!
Make them not want to , nor depend on 3 meals a day in prison and all the entertainment they get at the moment.
If they riot, let them live in their own filth , created by themselves. Lock them up 24/7 until they learn to behave themselves. Take away all human rights from them.
After all, they only have themselves to blame for the fact that they are in prison.
(Or am I being far to simplistic) " Ohh Guv, It's not my fault I'm a crim. " "It's society's fault, I have to rob, terrorise, maim, kill people, Isn't it." :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I take it Joe that you've never been a victim of crime ??????
(Or your a nice Christian fellow who turns the other cheek) ????
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