prison riot


With respect....... that somehow doesn't make a blind f*ckers difference to complaining about facilities in correctional institutions.
Scumbags in GENERAL don't give a monkeys about the people they stab, steal from, rape, murder.
You talk about top dogs and bullying etc.???
Gaffa tape 'em all to the cell walls 23 hrs of the day for all I care. Problem solved.

The fundamental problem stems from lack of education and discipline.
Teachers rights to discipline kids was snatched away from them. All went pears after that.
Scum parents who don't even know or care where their children ARE, let alone what they're doing. Then say 'he's an angel really' just as he gets locked up for putting a screwdriver through someones head for defending a car he was trying to rob.

FFS lets get this right. I was no angel when I was younger either.
But never a scumbag.

edit: Too late. replying to your other post.
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discipline i agree with that. majority do need a good slap when out of line...
But when you say education in what content?

There are lots of 'educated' people who are willing to pay me pennies whilst they make a fat proffit :S

(agencies) I hate them!
Well said LMB.

WestMids Chip. As LMB says. I was no angel, but I was never a scumbag.
I don't consider myself to be an old git, nor do I wear tweed jackets. I don't think I'm alone in my thoughts on youngsters and crime either. One day, no doubt, I'll be collecting my old age pension and moaning even more about young people. One day, you'll be collecting your old age pension and believe me, if nothing is done soon about crime and young peoples attitudes, it will be far worse than it is at present.
What would you say?

That the whole western world is f**ked
The UK is fuc**ed.

Can't help but think that the name great Britain will be lost and the name of Europe adopted somehow :S

The problem is...

Too many people have to much time on there hands :)
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Political correctness gone mad ! parents who look upon there kids as cash handouts !

Good behaviour is never rewarded , the kids that are well behaved in schools , do the right thing ect , the parents who bring there kids uo right what do they get FA !! thats what !

where as the scum bags get all the attention money services thrown at them ect ect smack in the head is what they want , parents don't like it smack them as well , violence has solved most of the worlds problems since man walked the earth & if it did not than not enough was used !
I believe its true what you say about the behaviour of the prison guards and its quite likely that the Home Office know about it. So, where do we go from here? Do you ex-prisoners write to anybody about what goes on? Are the public hoodwinked in to believing that its always the prisoners fault? Don't the public have the right to have prisons run correctly?
What you say is shocking and bloody annoying because it seems that the people that are paying for all this are getting ripped off.

are you reffering to me.?.thanks.