Lets bring back hanging and corporal punishment then Joe. Shoot the bas****s , Hang them, Birch them!!!!It didn't work for the Victorians so why do you think it will work for us? Most prisoners have extremely low IQ and education - they're nearly all thick boggas.
Make them not want to , nor depend on 3 meals a day in prison and all the entertainment they get at the moment.
If they riot, let them live in their own filth , created by themselves. Lock them up 24/7 until they learn to behave themselves. Take away all human rights from them.
After all, they only have themselves to blame for the fact that they are in prison.
(Or am I being far to simplistic) " Ohh Guv, It's not my fault I'm a crim. " "It's society's fault, I have to rob, terrorise, maim, kill people, Isn't it."
I take it Joe that you've never been a victim of crime ??????
(Or your a nice Christian fellow who turns the other cheek) ????
What did you do during the riot Libby?
i also know a few of the big boys,
You were locked in your cell for 23 hours (or if you wanted to enhance your education skills you were in another cage for 6 hours)
the food was basic, and i mean basic. breakfast consists of 2 pieces of bread and about 20 rice crispies/cornflakes and out of date milk.
lunch was a sandwedge
dinner was a sausage roll and beans.:
You were locked in your cell for 23 hours (or if you wanted to enhance your education skills you were in another cage for 6 hours)
the food was basic, and i mean basic. breakfast consists of 2 pieces of bread and about 20 rice crispies/cornflakes and out of date milk.
lunch was a sandwedge
dinner was a sausage roll and beans.:
Far too good.....bloody spoilt IMO....
Tell this sad story of woe to the poor old girl down the road who gets mugged and beaten to a pulp for her pension, or the victims of burglary finding scumf*cks have ransacked their homes.
Tell 'em.
Explain to them how all you got was sausage and beans and how unfair it all was...... Beggars belief.
Well I can't do the greater than thou act. I have broke several laws. None serious enough to warrant prison time though.
I've been breathalysed and lost my licence for 9 months and had a conviction for attempted theft of two christmas trees!!! (Don't ask).
But,,, I would never think of beating some OAP senseless for a fiver, Would never consider messing with kids.
If I found a fiver in the local , I'd be the one to hand it over the bar.
Perhaps, I belong to a different generation though, older and wiser and still have respect for my elders. Unlike these youngsters who don't even have any self respect.