prison riot

History proves that when you treat people like animals they act like animals. Education is what they need.
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A lot of prisoners are/was in lockup for 23 out of 24 hrs, some prefer that.
Prison should be a lot harsher than it is, i mean a LOT harsher, they do have it easy today.
Back to my original question, why do they riot? Quite simply because they are asked to riot by the screws.I know, iv'e been there. With all the fears of jobs being lost,even in the prison system, there is fear that their jobs will come under threat next, I was there in the strangeways riot, and days before it kicked off, was talking to a couple of screws and they were calling us shetbags, as we wasn't willing to kickoff. that day, everyone was congregated in the chapel, well, about 150 of us, and half a dozen screws to guard you, they knew that was the day.Cons just walk up to them, and took two sets of keys off them, the screws walked out of the chapel, then it kicked of proper.
This was all planned by the screws, all kept their jobs, the prison got a refit, and everyone was happy,well apart from acouple of ring leaders, who copped for higher sentences. joinerjohn talks about better security to stop drugs, phones etc, how do you think they get in? the screws fetch them in, you can buy ANYTHING in there, if you have cash on the outside.
And, believe me, i hadn't seen smack,crack or any type of real hard drugs until i went in there.

I used to buy whisky every friday in leeds prison, £15 a time, bent screws again,but it's fair to say, this type of person could be in any job.
What did you do during the riot Libby?
It didn't work for the Victorians so why do you think it will work for us? Most prisoners have extremely low IQ and education - they're nearly all thick boggas.
Lets bring back hanging and corporal punishment then Joe. Shoot the bas****s , Hang them, Birch them!!!!
Make them not want to , nor depend on 3 meals a day in prison and all the entertainment they get at the moment.
If they riot, let them live in their own filth , created by themselves. Lock them up 24/7 until they learn to behave themselves. Take away all human rights from them.
After all, they only have themselves to blame for the fact that they are in prison.
(Or am I being far to simplistic) " Ohh Guv, It's not my fault I'm a crim. " "It's society's fault, I have to rob, terrorise, maim, kill people, Isn't it." :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I take it Joe that you've never been a victim of crime ??????
(Or your a nice Christian fellow who turns the other cheek) ????

You might want to get your head out of the daily mail or where ever you picked your info up from.
I spent a good few months 5 years ago in a Y.O.I and it was nothing like how the media portray it.

You were locked in your cell for 23 hours (or if you wanted to enhance your education skills you were in another cage for 6 hours)
the food was basic, and i mean basic. breakfast consists of 2 pieces of bread and about 20 rice crispies/cornflakes and out of date milk.
lunch was a sandwedge
dinner was a sausage roll and beans.
All food is made by other prisoners (usually the crackheads/smackheads)

Guards who bring in contraband, officers who sleep with inmates daily beatings by officers.

I remember my padmate who got a phone brought in by an officer only to be stripped ******* naked a few days later and beat up by 12 other guards in full riot gear with the officer who brought it in taking much glee in the fact and thought i deserved the same treatment as i was padded up with him ;)
Hard punishment for 15 year old kids.

None of the above ever deterred the crims as the majority were always looking forward to visits from family/friends and the ones that didn't have family/friends they either committed suicide or decided to play ball and give the officers exactly what they got.

No visits would be the best deterrent for the majority for there entire sentence

I say shoot/hang the general population but leave out the carpenters and glamor models to re populate and form a structured civilization ;)

With the odd fat chick left i might add, i have met some funny characters :LOL:
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West Mids,,, What did you do to deserve such an evil and twisted punishment. Wow bread and rice krispies, sausage roll and beans?

You do realise there are pensioners out there who'd consider having breakfast a luxury.
I bet you were not cold during the winter?

Must have been hard being locked in a cell and if you wanted education, still being locked up.

Forgive me, I though that's what prison was all about ? Being locked away from society.

Sorry,,,, I have absolutely NO sympathy for anyone locked away for breaking the law of this country.
Forgive me, I though that's what prison was all about ? Being locked away from society

Yes it is,locked away from society, so why do you need/want to hang someone?
You were locked in your cell for 23 hours (or if you wanted to enhance your education skills you were in another cage for 6 hours)
the food was basic, and i mean basic. breakfast consists of 2 pieces of bread and about 20 rice crispies/cornflakes and out of date milk.
lunch was a sandwedge
dinner was a sausage roll and beans.:

Far too good.....bloody spoilt IMO....

Tell this sad story of woe to the poor old girl down the road who gets mugged and beaten to a pulp for her pension, or the victims of burglary finding scumf*cks have ransacked their homes.

Tell 'em.
Explain to them how all you got was sausage and beans and how unfair it all was...... Beggars belief. :LOL:
I believe its true what you say about the behaviour of the prison guards and its quite likely that the Home Office know about it. So, where do we go from here? Do you ex-prisoners write to anybody about what goes on? Are the public hoodwinked in to believing that its always the prisoners fault? Don't the public have the right to have prisons run correctly?
What you say is shocking and bloody annoying because it seems that the people that are paying for all this are getting ripped off.
You were locked in your cell for 23 hours (or if you wanted to enhance your education skills you were in another cage for 6 hours)
the food was basic, and i mean basic. breakfast consists of 2 pieces of bread and about 20 rice crispies/cornflakes and out of date milk.
lunch was a sandwedge
dinner was a sausage roll and beans.:

Far too good.....bloody spoilt IMO....

Tell this sad story of woe to the poor old girl down the road who gets mugged and beaten to a pulp for her pension, or the victims of burglary finding scumf*cks have ransacked their homes.

Tell 'em.
Explain to them how all you got was sausage and beans and how unfair it all was...... Beggars belief. :LOL:

Those type of people always get what is coming to them...

your kiddy fiddlers (yes there were some in a young offenders institution)
the bagheads who beat old defenseless people to a pulp
and the 'top dogs' who think they are the top dog.

I saw these type of people from 15-17 have toilet brushes shoved up there windpipes until blood was drawn and then firmly knocked senseless everyday.
Two cells away from myself a lad aged 16 who ended up committing suicide because the same happened to him all because an officer spread rumors of him as the lad 'apparently' robbed this blokes cousins house. (i don't know, i have always tend to stay well clear of rumors and all that crap).
Rightly so there was an enquiry and the officer lost his job but for a 16 year old lad to be put through some serious crap and then to take his own life...

When i was in there it was no paradise, just feckless idiots running and calling the shots in all areas.

You might want to think more about the environment of a prison because if you find yourself out of a job, unable to pay (lets say a parking fine) you could end up too with all these deluded types.

And to the fella that said something about his tax money!
Give me a break, it is my tax money too and i am far more worried about how billions are being sent over seas to try and make friends when our own hard working men/women are left to rot in the gutter.

Get your own priorities right before you start winging about stuff you have no real understanding of.

If you see four lads kicking the shight out of another lad on the street and they look kind of tough...

would you call the police or jump in there to help the bloke being kicked to f**k even if it means you might walk away with a few broken bones?
All tales of woe Chippy,, but,,,, what did you do wrong to be incarcerated with these scroats getting beaten senseless every day?
Buying cheap bangers and driving without insurance and license :)
Kind of stupid really when i was too young to even have a license.

Maybe it should be driving whilst under age like drinking eh?

Anyway don't give me the i am better then though crap either as if you have never done anything against the law...

Or just perhaps not caught eh ;)
Well I can't do the greater than thou act. I have broke several laws. None serious enough to warrant prison time though.
I've been breathalysed and lost my licence for 9 months and had a conviction for attempted theft of two christmas trees!!! (Don't ask).
But,,, I would never think of beating some OAP senseless for a fiver, Would never consider messing with kids.
If I found a fiver in the local , I'd be the one to hand it over the bar.

Perhaps, I belong to a different generation though, older and wiser and still have respect for my elders. Unlike these youngsters who don't even have any self respect.
Well I can't do the greater than thou act. I have broke several laws. None serious enough to warrant prison time though.
I've been breathalysed and lost my licence for 9 months and had a conviction for attempted theft of two christmas trees!!! (Don't ask).
But,,, I would never think of beating some OAP senseless for a fiver, Would never consider messing with kids.
If I found a fiver in the local , I'd be the one to hand it over the bar.

Perhaps, I belong to a different generation though, older and wiser and still have respect for my elders. Unlike these youngsters who don't even have any self respect.

You read to much into the bol.lock media
you have completely forgot what it was like to be a kid/teenager.

I am guessing you are an old git :LOL:

definition of an old git:-

Ok to lead by example, ok to go out with a drink, not ok if you have a drink together and are staying in the same house afterwards as you will be up all night listening to the git stumbling his way to the toilet 10 or more times ;)

Might be time to order that convertible don't ya think ;)
tweed jacket.
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