Pro-Palestine Protests

Zionists like Filly love to misrepresent the truth.

Some of them claim that their seizure of Palestine was authorised by the Balfour declaration.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
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Zionists like Filly love to misrepresent the truth.

Some of them claim that their seizure of Palestine was authorised by the Balfour declaration.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I thought they simply held on to it after being invaded by the arabs in 67, like they did with the Sinai although they later gave that back because the Egyptians were intelligent enough to sign a peace deal with them.
As negotiated and agreed to with the arabs in the Oslo 2 accords, the West Bank is split into 3 areas, areas a, b and c.
Only area C is under Israeli control.
90% of arabs live in areas a and b.
Interesting aspect - accords or what ever have no bearing on the laws concerning occupied territory, Why - to prevent people from signing their rights away.

This means that the Palestinians will control approximately 40 per cent of the West Bank and Gaza after the Israeli withdrawal.
That link gives a complete run down of the "peace" process. Not much on when Norway's s.MI's were involved.

The remaining problem in the woodpile is a compete Israeli withdrawal to the boarders pre 1967. Also routes between the different areas involved. The "impossible" solution given Israeli drives and this will probably be bad news for Palestinians and probably explains why the situation is being handled as it is.
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Egyptians were intelligent enough to sign a peace deal with them.
That needed laws and actions to control their population This sort of thing may explain why the US is concerned about more troubles springing up from Arab counties in this general area.

The Arab league view is return to pre 67 boarders. Maybe as even despots need to be careful about how they represent their population? Pass. We aren't getting any info at all what is going on in these countries other than they are seeing plenty of the results of the current war.
So really, Israel and the surrounding arab areas should be given back to Turkey in order to comply with International law.
LOL I was just pointing out the results of wars that were annexations. UK and others pretty good at doing it.
All you've stated so far on here are: 'oh no it isnt's'. Which is not at all convincing.

The Arabs have turned down a 2-state solution since 1947 and repeatedly on many occasions since. And it is they who have used terrorism since the '20s and still turn to violence. Israel's offered to pull out of most of the WB once the Arabs recognise secure borders and agree to a solud peace settlement. Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005 in order to give Arabs their land, only to be met with 4 wars and endless rocket fire. Israel pulled out of Sinai and eventually made peace with Egypt. It pulled out of southern Lebanon only for it to be taken over by a terrorist outfit, Hizbullah, who are now one of the biggest armed forces in the region. Time and again, notably in 2000, Israel's offered the Arabs almost 100% of what they've demanded, and each time the Arab leaders [most notably terrorist leader supremo Arafat,] have walked away. "Palestinian" TV, sermons, school textbooks, radio and more call for a single Palestine, eliminating Israel entirely (and either killing – Hamas – or deporting all Jews there – PLO). And you call the Israelis land grabbers?
This means that the Palestinians will control approximately 40 per cent of the West Bank and Gaza after the Israeli withdrawal.
With IDF and various refugee camps that % isn't entirely true. Geneva convention is pretty clear on occupation. The residents are allowed to shoot the enemy and don't need to wear uniforms. That relates to shooting IDF. The IDF raids usually include punishment aspects - that again is breaking a law.

Problems with settlers not mentioned as just should not be there. The IDF figure here as well. Effectively helping the settlers. Recent instance. Lady hit over the head and needing a hospital visit for stitches. Her brother not so lucky as similar killed him in earlier instance. IDF action was shooting over Palestinian's heads to disperse them. In other cases they may kill instead maybe with some provocation such as stone throwing. Kids at a distance have figured.

The IDF also have a cute trick when arguments happen with settlers. They can and do issue an order for the Palestinians to go away for a prolonged period and enforce it. There is usually no opposition. They just go. In one recorded instance the elderly bloke found his legal house had been demolished when he went back. Rebuild no - go get a job instead. Not possible now.
they (Israel) have so many gullible useful idiots in the West
Some of them spout total distorted arguments and untruths.

Why is there a blockade on journalism operating in Gaza?
Does Gaza have a dedicated media operating from Gaza, in the same way as the Israel Hayom?
It's a free newspaper, one of the (if not the largest) in Israel and is owned by friends of Netanyahu.

I'm assuming "Blockade on journalism" is a reference to the Israel's military warning Reuters and Agence France Presse that it can't guarantee the safety of their journalists operating in the region because there's a war going on?

By the way Gaza, is an Arab enclave run by the terrorist group Hamas..
Remember when you said and no longer exists?

Your playbook is easy to see.

Israel's genocide continues.
No I didn't state that "Palestine had already been destroyed". I stated that there is no such country as "Palestine" and there never has been.
"Violent, right-wing Israeli extremists further undermined any possibility of the Oslo Accords leading to a lasting peace. In particular, the February 1994 massacre of 29 Palestinians as they prayed in occupied Hebron by a U.S.-born settler, which began a wave of violence that undermined support for negotiations on both sides, and the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995 by a Jewish extremist opposed to any negotiations with the Palestinians or withdrawal from occupied Palestinian land.
Isolated acts of violence and discrimination carried out by Israeli jews, is no recent thing. However, none of it was the result of Israeli policy. Those that have carried them out are far removed from mainstream Israeli society, have few links with the settler movement, and are condemned throughout Israel. Dragging these aberrant individuals and groups into this debate does not for one moment contradict the fact that there have never been large-scale massacres carried out against the Arabs, nor does it even remotely balance out the barbarous actions of the "Palestinians" over the decades. Whose violence is orchestrated and celebrated by its terrorist leadership. These are very different things.
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