Pro-Palestine Protests

"Hamadeh was heard screaming as she was killed under the sound of machine gun fire raking the car while still on the line with responders.[11][12] When the dispatchers called back, Rajab answered the call, stating everyone else in the car was dead[8] and that the tank continued to approach the car.[13] Rajab stayed on the line with the PRCS for three hours, telling the dispatcher, "I'm so scared, please come. Come take me. Please, will you come?""
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Ahh so you've resorted to the old "apartheid" canard now! This is comically silly on your part. I'm afraid, there's no apartheid in Israel. If you believe that there is, then you probably believe in a range of conspiracy theories, such as: the moon landings were faked, the British royal family are actually lizards from the hollow moon & so on.. Or perhaps you get your 'facts' from whatever bilge Jeremy Corbyn tweets? Y'see there is not a single law in Israel that echoes the former apartheid laws of South Africa. Arab Israelis have identical rights with Jewish Israelis, rights that are guaranteed by law. Arabs serve in parliament, as judges (even on the Supreme Court), as diplomats, academics, scientists and on and on. Not one of those things was true for blacks in SA. If you aren't willing to accept verifiable facts, you are not qualified to comment with patently false information. Oh but if If you really want to see “Apartheid” go to any Arab controlled town by/PLO/HAMAS /Hizballah. You can witness that there are NO Jews and Christians are persecuted, expelled or even killed. Bethlehem was 90% Christian before the PLO took over is now is less then 10%; 100% of Jews were expelled from Hamas Gaza/ PLO Arab area A. If a Jew by mistakes enters Arab town, he has to be rescued by the IDF or be killed by local Arabs. Were as in Israel is the opposite, the Arab population grew: from 100,000 to 2 million, Arabs can vote, have a very high standard of living, get free education, medical care and other benefits. Sorry to disappoint!
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If a Jew by mistakes enters Arab town, he has to be rescued by the IDF or be killed by local Arabs.

Ah, that story. You've been reading Israeli propaganda designed to make Israelis fear and hate Arabs. It's obviously worked on you.

Are you not aware that the propaganda you're spouting has been used so often, that it's easily recognised? What date is the version you're using?

Is your town divided up by roads that you are not allowed to walk or drive down due to your religion or ethnicity?

Mine isn't.

I do not live under Israeli rule.

Are you prevented from using water due to your religion or ethnicity, while members of the occupying power nearby water their lawns and swim in their pools?

"The resulting disparity in access to water between Israelis and Palestinians is truly staggering. Water consumption by Israelis is at least four times that of Palestinians living in the OPT. Palestinians consume on average 73 litres of water a day per person, which is well below the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended daily minimum of 100 litres per capita. In many herding communities in the West Bank, the water consumption for thousands of Palestinians is as low as 20 litres per person a day, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). By contrast, an average Israeli consumes approximately 300 litres of water a day.'

Only area C is under Israeli control.

Do you not read JohnD's posts.
He tends to be a bit repetitive but does chuck in some facts about events. Eg the come rescue me young girl and some other "features". Genocide - that depends on which way the term is used. The legal aspects do not just relate to what went on in say Rwanda some years ago. The court rulings on that were more of a plausible feature rather than fact. Yet people rabbit on about population levels which in terms of the legal view on the subject is not a relevant factor. Cultural aspects are a feature of the legal view. A current situation that could be seen as genocide. Uyghurs in China. An attempt to end their culture not them as a group of people.

The poster I quoted seems to suffer from rattling marbles eg Christianity which is alive and well in the strip. Really the region under discussion has religions that came about to form rival groups. There are even splinters within each of the groups. This goes way way back which explains why there is so much Christian history in Turkey.
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