Pro-Palestine Protests

Vomiting forth content from the Hasbarah instruction book is quite an ineffectual way to make your point. It is so easily recognised.

Have you got anything true to say?
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You sure about that.

If they are all equal , why is it that only Jews have the right of return.
Palestinians in Israel have only 16 seats out of 120 in the Israeli parliament, this makes them a permanent minority.
How can this be democratic.
Why is that there are large areas of land where only Jews are allowed to buy or rent land.
Why are the poorest people in Israel Palestinian.
"why is it that only Jews have the right of return." Because sadly for you, Israel is a majority Jewish nation. Created that way by, The UN League of Nations San Remo 1920-1922, United Nations 1947. The Great Powers of the World and the majority of UN states, all of which voted Israel into being. Did you know why Israel was created? To provide a safe homeland for the survivors of endless pogroms and holocausts. All the Arabs say is that they want to kill all the Jews. So you're in good company.

In 1948, Arabs either left of their volition early on. 5 Arab countries invaded Israel. The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab Liberation Army from Jordan, and other Arab authorities ordered the rest of the "Palestinians" to leave in order to let their armies in, promising they could return in a few days and take over Jewish lands and properties. But, tough, they lost the war which they had started. The Arabs started a war, fled during it under orders form their own people, and now they demand that their vastly enlarged population should be sent back. That would mean a majority of Arabs in Israel, and that would lead very quickly to the abolition of the Jewish state. Which would suit you, but it won't happen, so dream on..

"Palestinians in Israel have only 16 seats out of 120 in the Israeli parliament, this makes them a permanent minority.
How can this be democratic."

Well done, you've just defeated you own absurd claim that Israel practices apartheid. Blacks [you might be aware] most certainly did NOT have seats in South Africa's parliament back in the day. Arabs make up approx' 20% of the Israeli population. They have full citizenship and are mainly prosperous. 20% of students in Israeli universities are also Arabs. The number of seats Arabs hold in the Knesset is proportionate to their demographic numbers. So as 20% of Israel's population, it's not really surprising if their role in parliament is like the role of minority parties in all other democracies. No democracy givers minorities the right to dictate to the majority. Or perhaps you think Israel ought to be the only country in the world that does this?

"Why is that there are large areas of land where only Jews are allowed to buy or rent land". Where, be specific?

"Why are the poorest people in Israel Palestinian". Ask them. I don't mind reminding you. In Israel, Israeli-Arabs are free to worship, vote and work wherever they like. There are Arab judges, [on the supreme court] university lecturers, are leading scientists (the head of the country's chief science ministry is an Arab), doctors, TV personalities, lawyers, Muslim-Arabs form political parties in Israel, even serve in the prime minister's cabinet. They eat in the same restaurants as Jews, travel on the same buses, swim in the same swimming pools, play in the same sports teams & are free to go anywhere and everywhere they like in Israel. They serve in the IDF [though they're not obliged to, unlike jews] there are Israeli Arabs that serve as diplomats, that advocate for gay rights and if any business, or any individual were to put a sign up saying "NO ARABS ALLOWED", or "ARABS NOT NEED APPLY" they'd be arrested and taken to court as It's against the law. Arab Israelis live better lives than Arabs in any Arab country, facing none of the restrictions on their lives. Arab women in Israel have far more freedom than their sisters in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Egypt. So this "apartheid" claim of yours is comedy gold. Tell me, is there any other country in the world that you obsess over in the same way you do Israel? What's you view on the he social/economic situation of the majority of the Romany minority in Albania ? What a sad, tragic little anti-semite you are...
Where are the borders of the Israel you speak of?
Your appallingly silly attempts to trying springing a trap have failed. Israel has not defined its borders because it cannot do so unilterally. Under UN Resolutions 242 and 338, as well as Oslo, it is up to the "Palestinians" to negotiate with Israel and to provide it with stable and secure borders: the "Palestinian" leadership has again and again refused to do that [preferring instead Jihadi violence, mayhem and squalor for its population, cheered on by the likes of you] and continues to insist that Israel should be replaced with a vast "Palestinian" state.

Now, what's the next misapprehension of yours that you'd like me to correct? I really should be charging for this service y'know? After all us Jews control world finance and make matzo's with babies blood, as you and your Hamas chums will no doubt be aware of!
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I found the mention of ~1970 in the info from a Jewish source on Jews in Arab states rather interesting. it suggests a prolonged exit. This period relates to the Arab reaction to the set up following the 67 war. They gave the west an oil problem and prices shot up. A period I remember rather well. I made a daft offer on a short wheel base 4.2L soft top E type with a rather high mileage but with service history. A bloke that sold cars from his home. For some reason he accepted it. LOL The fuel consumption wasn't too bad providing the SU's were set up regularly via a colour tune and balancer. ;) The insurance company I was with gave me 1 month to find another company.
. All the Arabs say is that they want to kill all the Jews. So you're in good company.
No they don't.
Jews and Arabs can live side by side and have done in the past.
There are plenty of examples of Israelis and Zionists calling for the extermination of Palestinians, therefor all Jews want to kill all the Palestinians according to you.

People like you make me laugh, they bedwet at the prospect of mass immigration destroying their own country and culture, yet they cheer on those who are destroying someone elses country and culture.

Last year alone in Britain, 1 million foreigners ( most of them from Asia and Africa) applied for National insurance numbers, at this rate the native population will become an endangered species.
your Hamas chums will no doubt be aware of!
Who do you reckon is the biggest threat to British national security, Palestine or Israel?.
As far as i know Hamas are a regional militant group fighting against foreign occupation of their country.

Israel on the other hand has destabilised the entire middle east and caused massive loss of life in other countries in the region.

This has caused a rise in support for Islamic fundamentalism and direct threat to British interests at home and abroad.
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Vomiting forth content from the Hasbarah instruction book is quite an ineffectual way to make your point. It is so easily recognised.
It's like trying to have a discussion with Trump, irrespective of any arguments presented he'd respond with misinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories.
It's like trying to have a discussion with Trump, irrespective of any arguments presented he'd respond with misinformation, lies, and conspiracy theories.

Under one of your previous usernames you stated with regard to the October 7 massacre that 'the jews had it coming'.
Are you still of that opinion?
Under one of your previous usernames you stated with regard to the October 7 massacre that 'the jews had it coming'.
Are you still of that opinion?
Show us that post.
Or is this another 'squirrel' tactic, because your arguments are so fragile and fallible?
I vaguely remember Filly and me agreeing that all sides are to some extent are a pain in the arse. Personally I include the geopolitics in that. The UN rules of war are aimed at the end of expansionism. Previously it was a common reason for a war - the creation of the great British Empire etc and others. This sort of thing had been going on for yonks. Hitler the last major example hence the rules. As areas don't like others drawing lines on maps uprising start happening and eventually succeed. Sometimes further splits such as Pakistan and India crop up. Enforced and still problematic. It shouldn't have been needed as India's gov is supposed to be secular. It's now moved even further away from that. Israel is trying to recruit labour from India - looks like no more jobs for Palestinians. Lack of labour is causing Israel problems.

Now take Israel's current expansionism. What are the settlements? Effectively suburbs for the cities and cheaper housing for those that can't afford to live in the cities. They are getting dearer LOL pretty common problem. Answer build some more. This is all factual but there are some idiosyncrasies such as some Israeli wanting to run their goats around where ever they like. They fancy living this way and going on video even dress to suite. ;)No signs of a sling though.

There is need to go way back to get an Arab view. Ist the lines on maps problem. However there is another factor. The UK was carefully controlling Israeli migration into the area and setting specific requirements. They found it necessary to put an arms embargo on the area. It was broken and Israeli became armed and eventually proceeded to just what they wanted to do. Fact they did evict locals from their homes but war always causes some to leave. The Arabs didn't trust them with reasonable reasons really so things kicked off. What was offered at the time doesn't really matter. Spilt milk. What has been offered continues to shrink. No route from the strip to the west bank is an interesting feature. Now it's yes you can have 40% of the west bank - after a fashion but still under effective Israeli control. The PA ask them for permissions.

Hamas is another feature of interest. It started as a charity to feed people in the camps. It eventually split off from the major group by saying we are going to attack, The camps are an ideal breeding ground for groups like this. You may have noticed that apart from some rubblising of certain areas and destruction of infrastructuer even mosques , schools and universities punishment style the majority of strikes are in the camps in the strip. West Bank IDF punishment raids. The camps continue to provide new recruits. Kill some and more will pop up. Some serious military people put this aspect rather nicely. You can not kill an idea this way. There are plenty of examples where it hasn't even Iraq.

So if people want to take a nice simple view of the situation from either sides point of view I feel they need to consider a number of aspects far more closely. The whole thing is a mess and self perpetuating. Security council's actions to help sort it out and prevent it from getting worse virtually zero thanks to the veto. We have the rules but ignore them when it suites. That even figures in actions where US and UK troops are in action. UK we do not discuss our special forces actions. Trump - put an embargo on the president of one of the IC's.

Fact is that a lot of the world is fed up with it. In this area trading relationships and other factors concerning who is the enemy and international pressures need to be included.
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You know that the thread has since been deleted. You also know that you said it.
Let me get this straight, you want me to take ownership of your imagination? :rolleyes:

OK, let me take ownership of your imagination.....
Imagine you're sitting in your unkempt van, wiping your greasy fingers on your T shirt, having just finished your McD's, and before you pop into your local Wetherspoons for your frequent alcoholic top-up.
You've been glued to your phone, and you notice a post to which you want to compose a reply. You're racking your brain for a witty comment.

And 3 - 2 - 1, you're back in reality.

What's that you say, it all looks the same as my version of your imagination? :ROFLMAO:

What kind of nincompoop makes an allegation that he knows that he cannot support with evidence? :rolleyes:
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No they don't.
Jews and Arabs can live side by side and have done in the past.
There are plenty of examples of Israelis and Zionists calling for the extermination of Palestinians, therefor all Jews want to kill all the Palestinians according to you.

People like you make me laugh, they bedwet at the prospect of mass immigration destroying their own country and culture, yet they cheer on those who are destroying someone elses country and culture.

Last year alone in Britain, 1 million foreigners ( most of them from Asia and Africa) applied for National insurance numbers, at this rate the native population will become an endangered species.
Yes they do - sorry to dissapoint..

You might try reading Hamas Mithaq al-Harakat al-Islamiyya al-Filastiniyya (with its injunction: la hall li'l-qadiyya al-filastiniyya illa bi'l-jihad: there is no solution to the "Palestinian" problem except through jihadi violence, and its argument that peace conferences and negotiations are 'a complete waste of time'); the Hizbullah Risala maftuha (Open letter) and the versions of the PLO Covenant. Enjoy! I'm sure you'll be in full agreement.
No they don't.
Jews and Arabs can live side by side and have done in the past.
There are plenty of examples of Israelis and Zionists calling for the extermination of Palestinians, therefor all Jews want to kill all the Palestinians according to you.

People like you make me laugh, they bedwet at the prospect of mass immigration destroying their own country and culture, yet they cheer on those who are destroying someone elses country and culture.

Last year alone in Britain, 1 million foreigners ( most of them from Asia and Africa) applied for National insurance numbers, at this rate the native population will become an endangered species.
You're trying to shift the focus of the discussion I see ! This is understandable, given how absurdly silly and naive your viewpoint is.
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