Pro-Palestine Protests

Who do you reckon is the biggest threat to British national security, Palestine or Israel?.
As far as i know Hamas are a regional militant group fighting against foreign occupation of their country.

Israel on the other hand has destabilised the entire middle east and caused massive loss of life in other countries in the region.

This has caused a rise in and direct threat to British interests at home and abroad.
Silly. First of all: There is no such country as "Palestine" - so how can there be an occupation of it?
Second: As I already explained [which seems to have gone sailing over your head], The "Palestinians" who were considered Syrians under the Ottomans. Lived in between the Jordan and the sea, in scattered groupings as did jews, on sparsely populated, dry as a bone, poor land 'owned' by absentee sheiks quite happy to sell thousands of dunams to people like Rothschild etc.

'Palestinians' in 1947, were offered a full state next to a Jewish state. They turned that down and, with their Arab allies, started a major war and invaded Israel. They've been offered a state on hmany occasions, with Israel making generous offers to secure peace, and have turned down flat every one of them. They were given Gaza in 2005 by Israel and proceeded to turn it into a terror state where women are oppressed, homosexuals murdered, and wars started by rocket fire into Israeli civilian sites.

There's never been a state of Palestine in history, but there have been several Jewish states on the land. Today, both Hamas and the PA declare that Israel must be eliminated and replaced by a Greater Palestine (which would collapse in a civil war within minutes of its creation). The "Palestinians" have a right to a state, but they have no right to claim there was never a Jewish presence, or to call for the genocide of all Jews in Israel, or to fight wars designed to wipe out their enemy.

Lastly: muslims need no excuses for their "support for Islamic fundamentalism". Hatred of Jews is stitched into the very thinking of muslims from birth, it always has been. You might be aware [though I doubt it] of the vile Qur'anic passages describing Jews as the sons of apes and pigs - for example. Or Children just out of nappies being taught to hate and kill Jews - as part of their nursery, school & university world?
Or how in the WB and Gaza, there are regular festivities when 'martyrs' detonate themselves in Israel and kill large numbers of innocent Israel civilians. The PA names football fields after 'martyrs', there are posters on the streets proclaiming the 'martyrs' as heroes and heroines of the Resistance. Mothers dance and sing on hearing their sons or daughters have died while taking Jewish lives. So please don't be sanctimonious about this - you really aren't informed enough to try.

If you disagree, then I'd like to know what your make of the islamic fard 'ayn?
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Hatred of Jews is stitched into the very thinking of muslims from birth, it always has been. You might be aware [though I doubt it] of the vile Qur'anic passages describing Jews as the sons of apes and pigs - for example. Or Children just out of nappies being taught to hate and kill Jews - as part of their nursery, school & university world?
You don't have to take one side, they are both as bad as each other.

Bibi cited the bible on TV, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you". That was a genocidal call to wipe out all Palestinians.

“This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
You don't have to take one side, they are both as bad as each other.

Bibi cited the bible on TV, "You must remember what Amalek has done to you". That was a genocidal call to wipe out all Palestinians.

“This is what the Lord Almighty says,” the prophet Samuel tells Saul. “‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’”
No they aren't "as bad as each other". Comparing Islamic violence to Judaism or Christianity is moronic of you. Old Testament violence is simply historical, and not commanded by any branch of Judaism today. The New Testament shuns violence explicitly. The Qur'an and the Hadith literature command violent action, cruel punishments, the murder of apostates, and much else. Islamic history from the year 622 is a record of violence by Muslims against non-Muslims. The prophet Muhammad led or sent out armed troops on over 100 occasions, had 40 people assassinated, and called for jihad until Islam triumphed everywhere. Jews no longer call on the Old Testament or Talmud to sanction violence against non-Jews, Muslims though, treat the Qur'an as the direct and unchanging word of God that has to be implemented today.
The New Testament shuns violence explicitly.
The bible doesn't, it is a vile piece of work.
The Qur'an and the Hadith literature command violent action, cruel punishments, the murder of apostates, and much else. Islamic history from the year 622 is a record of violence by Muslims against non-Muslims. The prophet Muhammad led or sent out armed troops on over 100 occasions, had 40 people assassinated, and called for jihad until Islam triumphed everywhere. Jews no longer call on the Old Testament or Talmud to sanction violence against non-Jews, Muslims though, treat the Qur'an as the direct and unchanging word of God that has to be implemented today.
Waffle. Israel choose when to criticise and when not to, their "alliance" with Saudi Arabia proves this. Muslim Saudis = good, Muslim Palestinians = bad.
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Silly. First of all: There is no such country as "Palestine"

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the , who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

One land that Israel of old failed to conquer mind you they did it seems kill Goliath. That may be why Israel wouldn't allow dates into Gaza. The stones might be lethal when delivered by a sling.

You might decide to call some one a Philistine. What would that mean?
As a derogatory term, philistine describes a person who is narrow-minded and hostile to the life of the mind, whose materialistic and wealth-oriented worldview and tastes indicate an indifference to cultural and aesthetic values.

Now Israel couldn't have caused them to be seen like that could they. An example of biblical propaganda.
Nope. Any civilian deaths amongst the Arab population, caused by Israel, are a direct result of cowardly Hamas terrorists using said civilians as human shields for the PR opportunity it presents them. Hamas can build tunnels, buy rocket launching infrastructure, all kinds of weaponry, luxury cars for themselves, build huge palaces for themselves with swimming pools, spoil themselves with luxury goods etc, yet neglect to build any bomb shelters for its people. Know why? Civilian deaths are good for Hamas, they know how much it works on ignorant mugs such as yourself..

There's a world of difference. The Arabs have started every war, every intifada, and go out of their way to target Israeli citizens with their terrorist violence. Israel retaliates [which is has a right to do under the Geneva Convention] by going after Hamas military installations which it hides in civvy areas, preferably next to schools, mosques, hospitals etc. Israelis drop leaflets and phones people in the civilian areas they are going to target. In addition, prior to the attack, the Israeli air force drop "tap-tap" bombs (which don't explode) on the targets to warn that the real attack is imminent. Israel warns Gazans in time to flee before a strike and calls off strikes when civilians are visible. Tell me, do your Hamas friends do that? Did they warn Israeli civilians of imminent attack prior to their 7th Oct' barbarism so they could reach safety and leave the field clear for hamas to go toe-to-toe with the IDF?

No, after they launch their depravity against Israeli citizens & the IDF responds, hamas send children to stand by rocket launchers (there's film of this) and orders civilians to go back into their homes or onto their roofs, often at gunpoint, in order to act as human shields. What they do is an explicit and documented war crime. Yet you think its all one and the same!

You couldn't be more wrong I'm afraid. Not that that will stop you!

The word Palestine derives from Philistia, the name given by Greek writers to the land of the , who in the 12th century bce occupied a small pocket of land on the southern coast, between modern Tel Aviv–Yafo and Gaza.

One land that Israel of old failed to conquer mind you they did it seems kill Goliath. That may be why Israel wouldn't allow dates into Gaza. The stones might be lethal when delivered by a sling.

You might decide to call some one a Philistine. What would that mean?
As a derogatory term, philistine describes a person who is narrow-minded and hostile to the life of the mind, whose materialistic and wealth-oriented worldview and tastes indicate an indifference to cultural and aesthetic values.

Now Israel couldn't have caused them to be seen like that could they. An example of biblical propaganda.
Actually It goes back to the ancient Egyptians and other ancient states. The term refers, with shifts and changes, to a geographical area, but never a state, whether under Roman, Byzantine, or Islamic rule. For Muslims, it's always been the southern part of Syria, but never even a province of the various Islamic empires, including the Ottomans. That's why, in the Mandate period, the French took Syria (and hived off Lebanon) while the British took 'Palestine', which included what is now Israel, Jordan, Gaza and the WB, Transjordan (later Jordan) never called itself Palestine, even when it annexed the West Bank. Egypt occupied Gaza through an offensive war/invasion, and Jordan occupied the WB in the same manner. No one got all emotive then of the illegality of those occupations. Most of you present day, friends of hamas terrorism are even aware of it. Let alone care.. I wonder why? No jews involved then, maybe!!
There's a world of difference
No there isn't, you are trying to justify the genocide being carried out by the IDF and have fallen for their propaganda, hook, line and sinker.

The promise to wipe out Hamas was a stupid claim in the first place. They are only storing up more and more hatred of a geocidal regime.
No there isn't, you are trying to justify the and have fallen for their propaganda, hook, line and sinker.

The promise to wipe out Hamas was a stupid claim in the first place. They are only storing up more and more hatred of a geocidal regime.
There is no "genocide being carried out by the IDF" that's your problem. Though I appreciate the sound of that trope is pleasing as it travels across your diminutive brain. If Israel wanted to commit genocide this war would have been over October 8th and we wouldn't be burying our soldiers. These claims are a fantasy based on blind hatred .

Tell me, is there any other nation in the world that you believe should simply allow violent atrocities to be perpetrated against its citizens and do nothing about it? The biggest genocide of modern times was the genocide of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust. Israel saves the lives of Muslim Arabs injured in the war in Yemen and Syria, taking them to its own hospitals and even sending out people to search for then wounded and bring them to safety. "Palestinians" are treated in Israeli hospitals too, including hundreds of "Palestinian" children, many of them given heart operation by 'Save a Child's Heart', an Israeli foundation that brings in children with heart problems from Africa and round the world. In all major disasters (such as the recent Mexico earthquake), Israeli organisations bring some of the most important rescue teams and field clinics.

Which Arab muslim nation [which you find yourself all of a sudden in solidarity with] do the same?

PS. as I've already explained, muslims need no excuses to hate jews. Hatred of jews to muslims and socialists, comes as naturally as farting.
Tell me, is there any other nation in the world that you believe should simply allow violent atrocities to be perpetrated against its citizens and do nothing about it?
No, including Palestine.
There is no "genocide being carried out by the IDF" that's your problem
That's your propaganda. Thankfully, most can see right through it.
direct result of cowardly Hamas terrorists
So they are supposed to group up loads of them so they can all be bombed in one go. Or maybe they should all form shield walls around Gaza city so that they can be mowed down with tanks or what ever.

They fight as they do as they are heavily outclassed and have no other alternative.

What ever you think about it one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. Your thoughts on the subject are irrelevant.

You also don't like to take notice of actual facts concerning the situation even after they are pointed out to you. You prefer simple views for the gullible and don't give any thought what so ever to how accurate these are. What you are really considering is a poorly controlled mess created by the west.
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