Hysteresis said:
But the law change is not necessary if ALL PARENTS exercise their parental duty/responsibility and instill respect into their little darlings.
And this is never going to happen if they keep outlawing traditional ways of keeping kids in line. Smacking!!! I was smacked as a child, and I witness smacking quite often even now. It hasnt affected me.
When I was a litle nipper I remember going to the shops with my mum, and sticking by her side. I didn't play hide and seek round the aisles, I didn't go down the aisles with my arms out knocking stuff off the shelves, I didn't try to nick sweets (yes, toddlers do this, makes for an awkward situation when assistant tries to tell parent)
Now this is all we get! Kids who are so hyperactive their parents are overrun and simply dont know how to control them. If my kids acted like that I'd put them on a lead (those kid leads you can get) so they cant run off and cause chaos. The parents get embarrassed when they make a scene, but tis their own fault!!!!!
Anyhow i digress, the above shows a lack of discipline being taught to kids. I was always taught right from wrong. If I ever acted up I was punished. Sent to my room. Not today. Buy em sweets to shut em up.
Theres a little lad across the road, he must be about 8-10 now, I often see his dad smack him. He quite happily plays out on the street with his friend from 2 doors down, leads a happy little life. His friend, too, I have seen get smacked. What is so wrong with it?
So - sorry, but blame the parents (and these galactically stupid laws).