There have been some very well thought out posts in this thread, and I was heartened to see the posts by Softus as I think they gave us a clearer insight to him as a person that we usually don't see and I was's the person I would like to see post here all the time, intelligent and well thought out comments and replies..Well done Softus.
Everyone else..Well done too. This is such a hot potato of a topic it is nice to see that it has gone this far without silliness creeping in.
Now for my comments..realistically I am the oldest here I dare say and I have seen many changes in society. To be totally honest it is unfair to blame a particular Government or even generation, the rot set in as a result of the damage done to the nation fighting WWII. The nation has never really recovered and fears of extreme politics gave rise to a liberalisation of politics and society that simply got out of hand. Some of the liberalisation was necessary, but it was allowed to go too far, and now the nation pays the price.
One of the biggest problems is the view the general population have for Politicians and the Police. Where once they commanded the respect of the nation as a whole, they now barely command even recognition let alone respect. The Policitcal machine of this once great nation has been allowed to corrode and the Politicians have been shown to be generally shady to say the least. The Police have lost the respect of the nation due to many reasons, overwork, lack of performance, lack of numbers, indifference to the communities they Police to name a few.
It will not be until we correct these core issues that we will be able to address some of the wider issues in society, when people are able to respect those in power and authority again, then perhaps we can start to return to the Britain that made us great again.
Balenza, with respect, Islam, like all religion based Politics, is doomed to failure. Whilst I accept the Qu'ran teaches Love, peace, tolerance and justice, those who command Islamic states know none or very few of these traits, and the same was true when Religion has led other countries. Mans interpretation of any religion is always biased by their Political ambitions and desires, as a result you get Intolerance, conflict, murderous justice and if your really lucky people manage to hang on to love.
In my younger days I was fortunate to travel extensively in the Middle East, and I can assure you that the leaders in the Modern Middle East have failed thier peoples and thier religion, just as many did years ago. Islam is a fractured religion with different groups in constant conflict in most states where they co-exist. Sharia Law is barbaric, intolerant and has no place in a decent society. Any legal system that allows the stoning to death of people for minor "errors" is wrong, that simple. When a Political or Religious system allows the brutal murdering of children for percieved wrongs against the religion/state then that system has failed it's people. There is no justification for some of the actions allowed by Sharia law or for a system that encourages and condones mass murder by suicide for percieved political/religious gains. These actions simply bring shame on the people and the system.
Finally, to be more specific, perhaps the Islamic people of the world should stop blaming others for all the ills of their world and start to look in the mirror a little more. The West has made some stupid errors and some catastrophic ones in the Middle East, that cannot be doubted, but that is not an excuse for the carnage perpetrated by terrorists. The majority of people being killed in Iraq is the result of Muslim on Mulsim sectarian murder, and whilst the Western interference may have allowed this situation to arise, they did not create the intolerance, it was already there and had been suppressed by Saddams murderous regime. Islam can never find people and heal itself if it fails to be honest about it's problems. If Islam chooses to start a wider war with the West they will be doomed.