Profits fall...What a shame!

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Go on tell us how many employees left in those days despite still being paid and no break at all in staff wages .
The figure is irrelevant. You say none, I say more than none.

The point is about how good the boss was, or is.

You seem very keen to defend him, purely because he voted for Brexit. I say he was shamed into paying his staff.
The figure is irrelevant. You say none, I say more than none.

The point is about how good the boss was, or is.

You seem very keen to defend him, purely because he voted for Brexit. I say he was shamed into paying his staff.
Stop clutching at the brexit straw for whatever reason , it has nothing to do with these points and glad we have cleared up that you could not provide any proof that people left especially after you getting it completely wrong that people went without wages
what bit are you struggling with they were paid same as everyone else who were closed down
Not quite true, Kahn saw fit to pay TFL staff 100% furlough. Good job TFL finances were in such great condition, otherwise he would have had to go cap in hand to the government, or raise money by a scheme based on lies. Oh, wait...:unsure:
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Stop clutching at the brexit straw for whatever reason , it has nothing to do with these points and glad we have cleared up that you could not provide any proof that people left especially after you getting it completely wrong that people went without wages
So you are definitely saying none left because of the wages threat of not being paid ?
So, are you happy that a British business is doing well and jobs have been saved or are you still hoping that the whole business collapses and people lose their jobs because the owner voted for Brexit? Do tell.
What jobs have been 'saved'?

What I hate is brexiteers who claimed that brexit will be a success and then moan when the opposite happens...

He was one of those as are you...

But then I guess that you are rejoicing over the £100bn per annum loss the UK is now having to cope with due to brexit...

Are you going to comment on that?

Of course not, because your warped xenophobic/racist ideology has been proved to be a failure!
Poor old Tim...

Profits are plummeting at his s hitty Wetherspoon boozers...

But of course Tim simply blames everyone who opposes his xenophobic views and desire to profit from brexit...

Instead of him realising that it's his inability to understand the real consequences of his 'crusade' against the EU...

With wafer thin margins, hopefully this spiv will be in for an almighty fall...

Because the real brexit chickens are coming home to roost...:LOL:
I'm looking forward to the boozers going bankrupt

What jobs have been 'saved'?

The jobs that would have been lost had you got what you were looking forward to you sad, spiteful, Brexit fixated sadist. I must say, I’ve never heard of anyone actually "looking forward to" a national chain shutting down and making 42,000 employees redundant. Has anybody else?
Mots, you should consider taking the grandson there at Christmas, it's brilliant..

A FATHER has convinced his young son that a Wetherspoon pub is the home of Santa and his elves.

A long queue for the grotto at a shopping centre prompted Tom Logan to take nine-year-old son David to the no-nonsense pub chain, with its bright lights, festive ambience and happy red faces.

Logan said: “I knew that Wetherspoons had some Christmas decorations and it’s full of people with Santa-like ruddy cheeks and big bellies.

“I told Oscar the customers in tracksuits were elves wearing sports clothes because they have to run fast when delivering all the presents.

“We soon found a bearded fat man sitting on a chair. I popped David on his knee, told him to say what he wanted for Christmas, and hey presto – instant Santa!
“The guy got a bit agitated and muttered something sweary about his ex-wife but I said it was Laplandish for ‘Keep tidying your room and I’ll bring you Star Wars Lego’.
“David even got a present to take home with him. It’s a beermat with some Brexit propaganda on it, or as I prefer to call it, a ‘magic frisbee’.”
I managed 20 years without the EU, managed 50 years with EU and hopefully will see out the rest of my days without the EU. Some how I and the rest of my family manage no matter who is in charge, labour,tory,french,germany,etc,etc only thing I would worry about( and I don't) is Putin
The jobs that would have been lost had you got what you were looking forward to you sad, spiteful, Brexit fixated sadist. I must say, I’ve never heard of anyone actually "looking forward to" a national chain shutting down and making 42,000 employees redundant. Has anybody else?
Looking forward to grotty pubs led by a company boss that hates the UK closing down?

Bring it on...

And then maybe those employees might get a better job in the utopian society that you promised brexit would bring about?

But funnily enough you won't comment on the £100bn per year loss to the UK economy because of brexit that makes that a tad difficult...

Why is that?

Oh that's right...

You're still in the denial phase...

But you are on record as saying you couldn't care less anyway!

So who is the 'sad, spiteful Brexit fixated sadist'?

Best you look in your own mirror for the answer to that ;)
But funnily enough you won't comment on the £100bn per year loss to the UK economy because of brexit that makes that a tad difficult...
Got a believable source for that figure other than from
Got a believable source for that figure other than from
Linky Linky

You ok with that?

And how many job losses will your vote have caused?

And from the OBR...

"Both exports and imports will be around 15 per cent lower in the long run than if the UK had remained in the EU"

"New trade deals with non-EU countries will not have a material impact"

"This is because the deals concluded to date either replicate (or ‘roll over’) deals that the UK already benefited from as an EU member state"

Still waiting to hear about any single 'brexit benefit' btw :rolleyes:
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