Profits fall...What a shame!

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Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face….

That is of course what brexiteers have done!

But then brexiteers always get things a*se about face ;)
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That prick Tim Martin has learnt his lesson
Look, we all know Tim Martin is a bellend who shafted his staff during Covid, but he’s been shat on by Brexit, which he helped promote and must have learned his lesson by now, so you don’t see the need to boycott his pubs anymore. No, don’t mention he’s still in a typical Brexiter state of denial that leaving the EU has f**ked the economy. Shh. Stop talking.
So go on explain how he shafted staff , facts only
Did spoons sack any staff ?

That is of course what brexiteers have done!

But then brexiteers always get things a*se about face ;)
So, are you happy that a British business is doing well and jobs have been saved or are you still hoping that the whole business collapses and people lose their jobs because the owner voted for Brexit? Do tell.
So, are you happy that a British business is doing well and jobs have been saved or are you still hoping that the whole business collapses and people lose their jobs because the owner voted for Brexit? Do tell.
Couldn't give a monkeys about Tim...
(Although to be fair he was anti lockdown during the 'virus' fiasco)

But you were one of those who voted to cause massive damage to the UK economy, let alone the social damage...

And thus many closures/job losses across the country are due to you and your fellow brexiteer nutters!

So do tell us, what do you think about the £100bn yearly hit you decided to impose on the UK economy?

As I said, brexiteers have got it a*se about face!
Yawn. Another non-answer from the UK hater. Go on, admit it, you couldn’t care less if people lost their jobs just as long as their Brexit voting boss suffered.

That link is as good as any. Loads of others to look at.
Yep we know all about what he said when the government closed down his business and said they were not going to pay towards his over 40,000 employees for months to come .
But did any of them get sacked .
Or did wetherspoon workers continue to be paid with many getting paid overtime for hours already rostered but not worked and like many other workers in closed down businesses carrying out second jobs during shut down so win win
Yep we know all about what he said when the government closed down his business and said they were not going to pay towards his over 40,000 employees for months to come .
But did any of them get sacked .
Or did wetherspoon workers continue to be paid with many getting paid overtime for hours already rostered but not worked and like many other workers in closed down businesses carrying out second jobs during shut down so win win
So it's ok not to pay, as long as he didn't sack any? Could almost be constructive dismissal, subject to more detail.
Yawn. Another non-answer from the UK hater. Go on, admit it, you couldn’t care less if people lost their jobs just as long as their Brexit voting boss suffered.
A*se about face as usual...

No reply from you as to the £100 billion per year hit the UK economy has taken due to brexit?

You're the UK hater not me!
So it's ok not to pay, as long as he didn't sack any? Could almost be constructive dismissal, subject to more detail.
what bit are you struggling with they were paid same as everyone else who were closed down
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