Profits fall...What a shame!

You have got to stop this crap about blaming the immigrants.... Its government that have got it wrong...

Get you infrastructure upto 2019 standards then see what happens...
Look at Germany!! It's clean, it's organised, it's infrastructure is in place...

Wtf are you talking about? I have no problem at all. It's you that was banging on about immigrants ruining the NHS. Whether you believe the government is the root of that, you are blaming immigration.

I'm out, you can't reason with the unreasonable.
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So your argument is ****e, you change tack and make it about something else?

You were posting that the examples were proof of recent immigration being the problem. I tell you it isn't by demonstrating it's been that way for the best part of 30 years, you change tack. Awesome.

Take your head out of whatever you've buried it in, your fears are unfounded.

Don't be a tit

The building industry was sh! t 30 years ago. It had nothing to do with immigration but if you think chucking Eastern Europe at the problem is the answer. Then you need to take your head out of your Ars.
i quite actually like tim but he doesnt seem to understand leaving the eu has many consiquencess as in in the short term change costs money so no free ride so at best a 5-10 % cost then possibly 5 years off unsure then good growth or perhaps 10-15% worse off then a big rescesion for quite a few years
the truth is no one knows and this fantasy world where we know the outcome doesn't exist
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Do you know a country that has unlimited immigration? I don't.

Where is it? Inside your head, perhaps.

As usual you have a hard time grasping facts and coping with comprehension. Or you're just dishonest. I said you're a 'cheerleader for unlimited immigration'. I didn't actually say that any country actually has unlimited immigration. But I'm glad you mention it, because The EU is actually an immigration blank cheque (or should that be Czech??) Immigration or migration, call it what you want, from The EU, is only limited by how quickly the foreign mothers can push out the little bambinos or babushkas.
I'm talking from the EU... you can play as much as you like... But somone who is not British is a migrant....

It's not a dirty word it's what it is.
It's a dirty word for Brits though...

They prefer to be called 'ex-Pats' when they move abroad ;)

PS. I see the 'mods' are up to their old tricks again...altering posts!

MOD: Apologies, should have had a note to say unnecessary expletives were removed.
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It certainly seems to be bucking the trend and far from a failing stock. Are you shorting it @ellal
Now they have app based table service its a lot better.
It's a dirty word for Brits though...

They prefer to be called 'ex-Pats' when they move abroad ;)

PS. I see the 'mods' are up to their old tricks again...altering posts!

Ive been a migrant in a foreign country... Nether have a referred myself as an expat ... No reason nothing is dirty in what name it is or not...
... how quickly the foreign mothers can push out the little bambinos or babushkas.
I never realised that grandmothers were born!
Perhaps they are born to bambinos? On No! That's not possible, they could only be born to bambini.

Although just how Russian grandmothers are born to Italian young women, I'm at a loss.
Would Reaganandcarter like to explain?
We rank 4th in the world for net migration which given our land mass and existing population suggests a problem.
We rank 4th in the world for net migration which given our land mass and existing population suggests a problem.
Is that a '4' I see there?

No! Silly me, It's a '36'
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