Psycho nation...

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No constitution

1 country, 1 government no states

Err, actually the UK consists of 4 countries, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales - all have their own government to one extent or another and various bits of legislation that form the "constitution"

Also, any constitution, law, pact etc can be amended, revoked etc with the agreement of all parties and often are.

Err, actually the UK consists of 4 countries, England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales

You are correct rjm2k, but I was being brisk.

There is a huge cultural difference between the UK and it's 4 "countries" and 50 united states.

Suggesting a gun ban in Alabama or Texas is a completely different matter than suggesting it in California or Florida. It simply wouldn't wash in some states, and I would debate even in any, and then how are you going to enforce border crossings and gun control if it's not enforced on a federal level, and that's before even touching on the issue of the Texas/Mexico border.

Whereas Wales Scotland and England have a very similar outlook on guns, and devolution happened after stricter gun controls.

Apples and oranges, anyone who compares the UK to the US in regards to gun control is a complete and utter berk.

Also, any constitution, law, pact etc can be amended,

Yes, in theory, no in reality.

You can fiddle around the margins with gun control in the US, but no one is going to abolish the 2nd amendment which clearly gives citizens the right to bear arms (and that issue is settled no matter how much you might argue it), anyone who thinks this is going to be abolished is living in lala land, you can argue all the sensible moral arguments you like.

It. is. not. happening.
Funny how a Troll insists nothing can change...

Until they cease to exist!
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Funny how a Troll insists nothing can change...

Until they cease to exist!

Of course change can happen, it's even possible that you could make a worthwhile and thoughtful post!

But like the 2nd amendment being changed or abolished to allow UK style gun restriction, it's not very likely you'll manage it.
If further proof of how f*cked up they are over there...

Read On!

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn. has sparked a surge in gun sales, according to independent arms dealers across the nation.

Larry Hyatt, owner of North Carolina-based Hyatt Gun Shop, which claims to be America’s largest independently owned gun store, said he had a line out the door on Saturday, forcing him to call in extra salespeople.

At least we are assured that proper checks are carried out...

Paul Marquardt, owner of ArmsX, a Connecticut-based gun store near Sandy Hook Elementary, said the wait-time on Saturday for a background check was nearly an hour -- the longest wait-time he’s ever seen.

There really is no hope for them!
The relevant bit (which of course the A*r*S*e and his ilk have conveniently overlooked) is "a well regulated militia"...

Overlooked it no.

I don't need to consider it, countless US judges already have and have found in favour of it meaning guns for citizens.

Even in that link the debate is to automatic guns not being allowed, not guns full stop.

It's a pointless argument that has been settled countless times in court, argue all you want on the internet about it if you think it will add weight to your argument.

Me, I prefer to stick to facts and proper analysis and worthwhile discussion, something beyond your small mind.
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