Pyronix SEB Tamper

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How many wired devices do you have on the control panel.What are they and are the wired EOL as photo suggests.
Eg Front door contact ,lounge pir so on.
I have as follows:-
Input 1 - PIR
Input 2 - Door Contact
Input 3 - PIR
Input 4 - PIR
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Are they all 360 pir ?
can you confirm you have 12volts at pir does it light up ?
With you control panel you would have resistors.
Put a 2.2k resistors on any spare zone on control panel,between terminals A eol & T com this will clear the F's on un used zones.
Then we can address the other faults
2.2k resistors is the red,red,red striped one.
Sorry, forgot to say, yes, they are all 360 PIR's and they all light up.
The ones with gold are 4.7k
Where are the 2.2k they all come in same packet with keypad
OK, sorry, yes I have then I'll go and put them on the four unused ports.
So I have done that and I now have this. (See picture) I think that's good? I can now set the alarm and exit and everything is fine. However, when the alarm is off and I walk past input 1 (Dinning room) the alarm goes off? (See picture).

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