Racist ? Let's start the ball rolling ...

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Whilst we are here. Women have been oppressed for years sexism and oppression. In many religions too. Look at Islam. (oh festive you xenophobe i new you would pick on them first...) Ok look at Christianity (that better?) almost as bad.

Anyway lets remove all historical statues of men as you will find a high percentage of them were as sexist at they were racist im sure.

Womens lives matter. Oh wait.. ive missed something(someone at the back shouted not exclusive enough) no we like to include all Women.
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It's a yank movement to deal with issues they are having with their police. And yes they have a point for their own country and culture.
You don't think UK has a problem with racism?

My view is that the title, sentiment and motivation is purely (or at worst mostly) for the yank black community, and not any other parts of that community - not hispanic, not Asian, not Muslim. Black African only thanks.
Your view is incorrect. When do you think the Black Lives Matter begin?
They do encompass other issues such as racial profiling and racial inequality. For sure it began in USA, but the movement is now an international movement concerned with the same issues as the original movement, such as the racial profiling, and racial inequality, i.e. racism.

And W(hy)TF is anyone in the UK concerned for a bloke killed in another country?
You ought to familiarise yourself with the movement before expressing such ignorance.

But here, its been hijacked as a cause by the left, by the anarchist, by the disgruntled remainer, by the white hippy dole scrounging anti-capitalist/police moocher who's only connection with other races are the dreads they have culturally appropriated.
Unless you're wrong, and it's been adopted by those who wish to eradicate racism.
Judging by your other sentiments, it's highly likely that you are wrong.

These are out to white-wash history for their own agenda.
Quite the reverse, they want to remove the whitewashing of history. The whitewashing of history by those in power, who choose to gloss over the wealth accumulated by slavetraders, and the repercussions today, of slavery.
Most places are however i'm keen to see what the empirical genius has to say about it and his observations were about why it is so.

We are only concerned about making the comparisons of wealth per capita, equality and crime, in the context of structural inequality causes poverty, which in turn causes crime.
To discuss the architecture, the cleanliness, the streets, the topography, etc, is totally irrelevant.
We are only concerned about making the comparisons of wealth per capita, equality and crime, in the context of structural inequality causes poverty, which in turn causes crime.
To discuss the architecture, the cleanliness, the streets, the topography, etc, is totally irrelevant.
:LOL: what a KJ

I asked you about the people and you retort with your smoke n mirrors rubbish. Who is we Notch? :LOL:
Circus finished early today?
Sorry if I spoiled your fun.
Thats not killyjoy :LOL:

Come on the 'infallible Davro' you misread my question to you and made another wrong assumption. Phone a friend maybe? Hanging out with me pulling your IQ down perhaps (y)
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