It's a yank movement to deal with issues they are having with their police. And yes they have a point for their own country and culture.
My view is that the title, sentiment and motivation is purely (or at worst mostly) for the yank black community, and not any other parts of that community - not hispanic, not Asian, not Muslim. Black African only thanks.
And W(hy)TF is anyone in the UK concerned for a bloke killed in another country? Where were these BLM protests when Khashoggi got murdered, when the Indians were being expelled or locked up in the Middle East, when China was cracking down on black Africans? Never mind when the black kid murdered because he is a Somali, that don't matter its not a racist attack because its a black on black thing. Nah, leave that one.
But here, its been hijacked as a cause by the left, by the anarchist, by the disgruntled remainer, by the white hippy dole scrounging anti-capitalist/police moocher who's only connection with other races are the dreads they have culturally appropriated.
These are out to white-wash history for their own agenda. And its a black day for that. They don't really care about most of Bristol being built off the slave trade (no buildings are being toppled I notice), or that the university educating them is only there because of the person who financed it (they are still happy to attend, just remove the name and statue). No, it's that old "I'm offended" mantra, so I wont tolerate anything I don't like. Cant't debate anything, can't protest peacefully, can't lobby. Can only just express violent pseudo-outrage - while actually doing nothing for race harmony in the process. It just seems so black and white.