why cant they use water cannons?
The killing of M Duggan aside control needs to be taken back and harshly
The use of water cannon is illegal in this country, as it's deemed a form of torture. Must be a form of waterboarding torture, as used by the Americans.
Rubber bullets are allowed, but thought to be too damaging, if a person is hit in the wrong place, might lead to death.
This rioting turned from a shooting incident, to some people being stop/searched, then possibly into general revolt at the Government, especially as no major Government figureheads have spoken about the issue. The only person talking sense was Ken Livingstone, ex mayor, and got brow beaten, and told he was only using his comments as political back biting. Too right!!!! The current Government do not give a damn, and have shown that fully, by not showing their faces.
I understand it hurts these businesses, that are chains, that store all their money off shore, and don't pay taxes in the UK, but I predicted an uprising over 12 months ago for this summer. A couple of minor riots, in comparison, then the biggie, hopefully the rain forecast later in the week will not subdue them, and they continue their escapades, so that the Government finally acts to help the disenfranchised, and stop giving incentives to the rich.
The rioters, if they were organised, would prevent rail/road services in/out of london.
A silent protest from the rest of the population, would be a Facebook campaign, telling people to log onto a certain Government website, at a certain time, then continually refresh the homepage = DoS..
It's not illegal to log onto a website, and refresh it, but if somebody setup a website for a lot of people to do it at the same time...?
The same as saying if a million Chinese people jumped in the air at the same time, would the Earths rotation change...
I think the former, may make the Government sit up, and take stock.
On a similar note, the Government has a website where the publics most extreme concerns are published, and bringing back hanging is number one apparently. Presumably, that would refer to our leaders, that can't deal with issues, that they preside over. Oops, sorry the PM is in Italy. The Mayor of London is away, can't be bothered, nobody in power has made any statement, from this condem that nobody voted in.