Random Tottenham riots!

They should be able to do what is necessary to stop these thugs, I dont think the water cannon has ever been used in England , but it has been spoke about because of previous riots. Now is the time to bring it into action, they have them, use them!

They should be able to do whatever is necessary to stop these thugs provided that they act within the law.

If using rubber bullets and water cannons is lawful, go for it.

But we do not want another Ian Tomlinson incident.
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Using water canons is within the law, they just dont want to use them on the streets of London. They would rather let the thugs go on rioting and looting.

We also dont want another high number of police casualties
I think Joe's spot on, the ambulance chasing compo lawyers are probably glued to the box as we speak. The poor cops know that every move they make is scrutinised on film.
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Good news, the rioters will soon disperse, Boris Johnson is returning from holiday. :rolleyes:
Croydon is well alight - look at sky news.
The police have become so sensitive to the issue of race that it is impairing their ability to do their job.
Where's Cameron? The financial system is collapsing and London is on fire - isn't he in Tuscany or somewhere daft? Either get back and take charge or get out. Useless tw@t. They'll pull the plug on the Olympics if this keeps going.
Oh poo...

Police involved in the fatal shooting of a father of four on Thursday have "never claimed they were fired upon", according to Sky News sources.

Of course they never did - they got that reliably 'independant' body the IPCC to do their dirty work!

First thing they do is to smear the victim so that even when proved wrong they have sown a seed of doubt in the minds of the public...

And going by the replies of the various numpties here, it is a successful tactic... ;)

"The second shot missed (Mr Duggan) or went through his body,"
Quite a couple of different outcomes there... :rolleyes:
Where's Cameron? The financial system is collapsing and London is on fire - isn't he in Tuscany or somewhere daft? Either get back and take charge or get out. Useless t**t. They'll pull the plug on the Olympics if this keeps going.
Camoron is on his way back...and if they pull the plug on the olympics, then all well and good!

Newsflash. Cameron is returning. Fat lot of use that **** will be. He'd be better off in Tuscany.
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