Thanks for your reply D Hailsham,
Allowing for the fact that my new boiler could be classed as a replacement system (as you describe above) - I'm looking at Table 2, end column 'Minimum provisions for replacement systems', and the row 'Space heating zones.' Where the two intersect it says:
As defined for new systems except where the boiler only is replaced, in which case reasonable provision for a space heating system would be to control as one zone.
And I think (as per Table 2) that that provision is met by the heating control and programmable timer on the boiler!
You mention interlock requirements, and suggest that this means a room stat - but that detail isn't specified in the Table! I believe that my programmable timer also achieves interlock...?
Page 12, (f) continues: '...if an individual component of the control system is being is not necessary to upgrade the system to meet the minimum requirements.' It gives the example of a room stat. But taken literally, since a new boiler is classed as a 'component' of the system, (p. 11, 2.2, c) I wonder if this part of (f) could cover a replacement boiler too? My boiler has a programmable timer after all - it's part of a control system...
As we both agree, these points are academic because I'm going to get a room thermostat anyway. But it does show how interpretable these regulations are - and, as we also both acknowledge - this sort of text should be better written, so that there is no ambiguity or room for interpretation.

Allowing for the fact that my new boiler could be classed as a replacement system (as you describe above) - I'm looking at Table 2, end column 'Minimum provisions for replacement systems', and the row 'Space heating zones.' Where the two intersect it says:
As defined for new systems except where the boiler only is replaced, in which case reasonable provision for a space heating system would be to control as one zone.
And I think (as per Table 2) that that provision is met by the heating control and programmable timer on the boiler!
You mention interlock requirements, and suggest that this means a room stat - but that detail isn't specified in the Table! I believe that my programmable timer also achieves interlock...?
Page 12, (f) continues: '...if an individual component of the control system is being is not necessary to upgrade the system to meet the minimum requirements.' It gives the example of a room stat. But taken literally, since a new boiler is classed as a 'component' of the system, (p. 11, 2.2, c) I wonder if this part of (f) could cover a replacement boiler too? My boiler has a programmable timer after all - it's part of a control system...
As we both agree, these points are academic because I'm going to get a room thermostat anyway. But it does show how interpretable these regulations are - and, as we also both acknowledge - this sort of text should be better written, so that there is no ambiguity or room for interpretation.