rent house out to dhss

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4. People in receipt of benefits are not automatically scum, they are just unlucky.

Sounds pretty lucky to me - getting paid to do nothing all day. Why is that unlucky? Don't you mean LAZY?
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you will end up with the trouble makers that get kicked off the estates. seen it happen. anything wood will get burnt including the doors. copper wire and pipes will be sold for scrap. they will knock a hole in the roof just for the fun of it. use the bath for a toilet
A friend of mine recently took back possession of a house he was renting out to someone on DLA. So far it has taken 8 skips to clear the property of the tenants rubbish/ items the tenant no longer wanted.
The house has had to be gutted (literally) and re-furbished again.
Windows were broke, the kitchen was ruined (new a few years ago) The tenant he had accumulated normal household rubbish in plastic bags throughout the house, Carpets put in a few years ago were ruined to the extent they had to be thrown. When the tenant did a "runner", he left the taps running upstairs in the bathroom resulting in the property being flooded.
Since my friend has been re furbishing the house, bailiffs have been turning up every other week asking for the tenant.
Now the property is only a few weeks away from being put up for sale.
Once I get time, I'll post the before and after photo's for the forums perusal.

Not saying that all tenants are like this one , but just be forewarned , what could happen. ;) ;)
Tell us about the tenant. Colour, age, sex etc.
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Renting out a property is a minefield you do it at your own risk and you can lose a lot of money. Its not easy for a small time property owner who does not have the muscle, be careful and good luck.
Tell us about the tenant. Colour, age, sex etc.

White (English) Mid 30's early 40's. Male. Apparently suffering from single parent family disorder.
He left after calling the police as my friend had warned him to clean the house up (for warned read threatened him) When the police went to his house, they were more concerned that his 9 yr old daughter was living in unsatisfactory and unsanitary conditions, they threatened to report him to Social Services. The house was an absolute pigsty. One of those you felt the need to wipe your feet on the way out. :eek: :eek: :eek:

My friend reckons if he can't sell the house now he'll have to rent out, but is making sure it's on a short term lease only and to someone in full time employment.
As a precaution after you've read all these posts what you should do after everything has gone through and you've handed over the keys. Is issue an eviction order that is in effect in 6 months time.
Make sure its enforceable though.
Most benefit claimants are not scum at all, they are just people who have unfortunately lost their jobs through no fault of their own and have no option but to sign on for job seekers allowence, what do people want them to do, starve?
The sooner that the government and those smug people who have jobs realise that full employment is a thing of the past.
Modern technology has put thousands of people out of work, technology started 200 years ago during the industrial revolution.
Most dss/benefits claimants are scum; fact.

Only to those with low or limited intellect would think that. And there is no such Government department as the DSS. That said, people who claimed benefits many years ago (and still claim) do still refer to it as the DSS/Social/Dole office.

You been claiming it that long lad?
I've never claimed a penny, I have too much dignity. I have paid tens of thousands in tax and ni for all the lazy vermin who do claim though.
I've never claimed a penny, I have too much dignity. I have paid tens of thousands in tax and ni for all the lazy vermin who do claim though.


So according to you, those former UK armed forces personnel injured in battle and now claiming benefits are vermin?

Must make you feel really proud to think that.
diydandy what percentage of claimants are wounded ex forces? Less than 0.1% I bet.

MOST ppl on benefits are lazy vermin, a small minority are a victim of circumstance.
diydandy what percentage of claimants are wounded ex forces? Less than 0.1% I bet.

MOST ppl on benefits are lazy vermin, a small minority are a victim of circumstance.

You said all the lazy vermin. Make your mind up claimant.
diydandy I think you are the parasite hence your so defensive. Get a job and then reply otherwise stick to watching Jeremy Kyle with a can of special brew for breakfast. :LOL:
diydandy I think you are the parasite hence your so defensive. Get a job and then reply otherwise stick to watching Jeremy Kyle with a can of special brew for breakfast. :LOL:

Is that what claimants do? Never having been one I would not know. But if that is what you do I suppose I must submit to your superior/first hand knowledge.

Off to bed now, some of us have to be up for work tomorrow. Do enjoy Jeremy Lad. :LOL:
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