rent house out to dhss

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diydandy I think you are the parasite hence your so defensive. Get a job and then reply otherwise stick to watching Jeremy Kyle with a can of special brew for breakfast. :LOL:

What is written, I think, speaks for itself, No punctuation, bad English throughout.

How is it that the workers, have such a strong opinion of those that don't work? Where it is those workers, that are now ex workers, that have the experience, and the workers don't? And dismiss the people in that situation, as having no experience, when clearly they do?

WHO THE F... DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? You can't think, you can't spell, you have no idea of the World around you, you have no social education, you have no idea about sociality around you? Who the F... are you to comment about anything regarding society?

Live a little. And don't classify people to your little cell.

I'd love to find your employer, and report this hatred, and you are sacked, then live your dream. Your profile is interesting.

Your attitude is 'Im good, fook the rest of society', people need to live regardless of your Hitler comments, and those on the dole pay tax. Fool.
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You only have to look at your posting times to see that you a long term benefit claimant. Get up in the morning and look for work - and people might have more respect for you.
Dangermouse is a nasty vicious individual who has some kind of bee in his bonnet about welfare benefit claimants.
Some weeks ago he and a couple of other like minded vicious individuals were posting vitriolic posts about claimants and the thread was pulled by the mods.
This thread was started with good intentions and some good advise was passed on to the guy who started it, Dangermouse has jumped in and started his witch hunt all over again, do me a favour pal and crawl back under your stone the unemployed have enough on their plates without you.
Dangermouse is a nasty vicious individual who has some kind of bee in his bonnet about welfare benefit claimants.
Some weeks ago he and a couple of other like minded vicious individuals were posting vitriolic posts about claimants and the thread was pulled by the mods.
This thread was started with good intentions and some good advise was passed on to the guy who started it, Dangermouse has jumped in and started his witch hunt all over again, do me a favour pal and crawl back under your stone the unemployed have enough on their plates without you.


another parasite who bleeds us taxpayers dry.
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This "parasite" left school in 1956 and is now officially retired but still does a bit to keep my hand in and earn a few quid to keep the wolf from the door, and before you say it I am not evading paying income tax all retiree's have a tax free allowence.
Get your facts right before you start hurling insults, instead of getting under a stone why not find yourself a nice cesspit.
Whatever money a welfare benefit claimant is paid, a percetage is paid in income tax and a bare minimum NIC is also paid.
And he also pays VAT on whatever he buys, so in effect a benefit claimant is contributing to the state coffers in one way or another.
3. Rent is normally paid to the tenant unless they ask for it to go direct to the landlord.
This change was made so tenants who received Housing Benefit would not have to declare the fact to landlords. The landlord does not have the right to know where the money comes from; it could be from a parent.

People in receipt of benefits are not automatically scum, they are just unlucky.
My son was off work for over three years due to ill health. Most of that time was spent waiting for the next hospital appointment, operation etc. During that time he and his family had to live off the limited amount of money they were entitled to from the state. This included housing benefit as they live in a private rented house. The only way they survived was with help from friends and relatives.

He has now been back at work for just over three months. As his income is still low he now gets half his rent paid by the Council. He's not much better off than when he was ill. So we are still supporting them.
He has now been back at work for just over three months. As his income is still low he now gets half his rent paid by the Council. He's not much better off than when he was ill. So we are still supporting them.
Therein quite possibly lies the whole problem with the welfare state and the economy as a whole,your son is back to work as much for his self esteem I would suspect, but can't earn enough to to be free of any state help,trouble is the economy isn't going to be fixed any day soon and the state will keep needing private housing stock for rental.
Most dss/benefits claimants are scum; fact.

Only to those with low or limited intellect would think that. And there is no such Government department as the DSS. That said, people who claimed benefits many years ago (and still claim) do still refer to it as the DSS/Social/Dole office.

Yeah but the Ministry Of Transport is long gone too - but you take your car for an MOT :idea: or not, probably drive it round the chav estates with no tax or insurance either :LOL: ;)
D_Hailsham";p="1739587 said:
3. Rent is normally paid to the tenant unless they ask for it to go direct to the landlord.

This change was made so tenants who received Housing Benefit would not have to declare the fact to landlords. The landlord does not have the right to know where the money comes from; it could be from a parent.

In reality this is not the case.
1st... The rent for a room is not paid to a landlord but the rent for a house/flat is paid directly to the landlord.

2nd...When a person occupies a room all day after being asked if they are in full time employment that requires then to go out to work. Ater the contract is agreed on conditions occupancy of the room. Then its evident they lied about their circumstance. Also, envelopes with a green stripe on the edges arrive through the letter box.
These things tell you that the person is unemployed and receives benefit.

Before you try and slag me off I have accommodated for the unemployed on many occasions and for many weeks without getting rent.
I have been lucky in as much and maybe because I did not hassle them and treated them with dignity they have always settled the debt with me. Very often these are people caught in an employment/bureaucratic trap not of their making and need help and encouragement.

Not a diatribe of shyte.

My efforts at writing to MP's on the subject of JSA payments and temporary employment have not materialised yet. But it is a complete cockup.

I also believe that drug addicts need a home as well, but that's another story.
The rent for a room is not paid to a landlord but the rent for a house/flat is paid directly to the landlord.
It all depends on whether the tenant's rent was determined before the Local Housing Allowance was introduced in 2008.

The allowable rent for tenancies commencing after the introduction of the LHA is determined purely by the size and composition of the tenant's family and varies from area to area. Normally the allowance is paid direct to the tenant so, if the tenant can find a property for less than the LHA, he can keep the excess. The tenant can always ask the Council to pay the rent direct to the landlord.

When a person occupies a room all day after being asked if they are in full time employment that requires then to go out to work. After the contract is agreed on conditions occupancy of the room.
I would be interested to know if that was legal. For example (taken from the CAB website):

I've found this flat that I would really like to rent because it's near where I work. I'm profoundly deaf and have a hearing dog but the landlord says he doesn't allow pets. Does this mean I can't take the flat?

If you're disabled, you can ask a landlord to make changes to their policies which would allow you to live in a property. This would include changing a term in the tenancy agreement which bans pets, so that you can have an assistance dog. By law, your landlord must agree to this unless he has a very good reason for not doing so, for example, on health and safety grounds. If he doesn't agree, this is discrimination against disabled people, and he could be breaking the law. Try explaining this to the landlord. If he still refuses to change his policy, you should get advice.[/b]

If you are not allowed to discriminate against blind/gay/black/hindu people, then you should not be allowed to discriminate against the unemployed or sick.
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