Right ChrisR, think I understand how the heating up works.
Left picture is the CH, hot water comes from heat exchanger, down the red pipe, diverter valve should send all the water down the CH flow pipe.
Right picture is the DHW, hot water comes down the red pipe, diverter valve switches to the other exchanger, hot water comes out secondary heat exchanger and down the DHW pipe plus some warm water will come back up to the primary heat exchanger via the pump.
HAve I got that bit right. ALso, from my photo earlier on, is the heat exchanger that you can see for the DHW with the primary heat exchanger being up above the gas burner? If it is the DHW exchanger, I better clarify that this was the exchanger that I took the surface temperature off of earlier today. about 42 degs.
Therefore in CH mode, i should only have the red flow pipe getting really hot and the return pipe getting slightly hot. should pipe 133 get warm, it was the same temp as the CH return pipe earlier on in CH mode.
If the heat exchanger that I can see is for the DHW, why is pipe 133 getting warm when the CH is on?
You asked me to check the temp on the 133 pipe. Is this the pipe which returns the warm water in DHW mode through the pump back to the primary heat exchanger?
Chris R, re-reading your earlier post, my boss's first thought was the temperature sensor but the alpha agent ruled this out, but with no theory. He just said that the boiler was reaching temperature properly and was cutting out because there was a blockage.