Resident in Relocatable Property

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Your promotion of the negative stereotype reminds me perfectly of the same promotion of a perception of Black people
I speak 100% from evidence I have seen in my own town of Sedgefield and Co.Durham..You quote shìte from various sources and probably never seen a gypsy camp..Your ideas remind me strongly of a lefty leaning do gooder knows nout.
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The two are not comparable no matter how hard you try to shoehorn them together
I thought it was obvious that I was comparing and contrasting the policy, not shoehorning them together.
As a policy, they are both committing cultural ethnocide.
The Chinese by reducing the population growth (which they also do through all ethnicities). They concentrate more on Uighurs because the Uighurs have ignored the policy.

And the UK policy is legislating out of existence a whole minority group, and criminalising their culture.

It could be argued that the Chinese policy is more humane than the UK policy.
The Chinese policy works on reducing population growth, whereas the UK policy works on criminalising the existing population.
I thought it was obvious that I was comparing and contrasting the policy
Your perpetual problem Razzler.Just because YOU think you are right .You download a load of waffle and think everyone should believe you.
I don't understand why they'd want to dump on the field , park, or footpath, when they've got them in their plush caravans anyway.
Unless it's just to demonstrate rebellion against society , or contempt for it.
You are being influenced by the promotion of negative stereotypes.

There is a well known sociological concept that people will conform to the general perceptions of them.
I.e. if the general perception of a group is to be savages, the group will, over time, conform to that perception.
In some cases they will have no alternative to adopt the behaviour of which they are accused, e.g. when their lifestyle and culture is criminalised.

If you have a group of people who's lifestyle is to say, hunt for their food, but that behaviour is legislated against and criminalised, the group either ceases to exist, or resorts to criminal behaviour to survive.
I speak 100% from evidence I have seen in my own town of Sedgefield and Co.Durham..You quote shìte from various sources and probably never seen a gypsy camp..Your ideas remind me strongly of a lefty leaning do gooder knows nout.
There were similar claims when the perception of Black people was being promoted.
There were similar claims when the perception of Black people was being promoted.
I cannot speak for others Razzler...My MK 1 eyeball witnessed my accounts...What gypsy interactions have you EVER had????Come to Co Durham in time for Appleby Fair..I will show you the sites...(can i camp on your lawn if I cycle there?)Do you have a garden?
I cannot speak for others Razzler...My MK 1 eyeball witnessed my accounts...
And you have flooded the thread with your promotion of your negative perception.
Just like the perception of Black people was portrayed in the 50's and 60's.
If you care so much then can you ask the traveling community to stop thinking that people who own their paid for property belongs to the people who bought such and is not the traveling community's.
The laws have been designed to criminalise their lifestyle, They are left with no choice. The legally provided accommodation is ludicrously insufficient.
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