Right Wing, Far Right, Extreme Right

10 Jul 2024
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United Kingdom
The Right Wing is a broad church.
The riots have been characterised as “far right” by public figures from the prime minister downwards. For many people, this description suggests the disorder was somehow organised by named, specific, formal groups or political parties; and the far right’s history of protest and violence by organisations like the National Front reinforces this idea.

Right-wing extremism itself can be thought of a spectrum, rather than a coherent whole. It includes genocidal neo-Nazis treated as terrorists by the state, who hide behind online aliases, scorn campaigning, want to destroy society and venerate Adolf Hitler. But the term is also used to describe people who stand in democratic elections, engage in public campaigns and put forward policy platforms.

I tend to use “extreme right” for the first type and “far right” for the latter.

The problem is the Right Wing and Far Right do not criticise the actions of the Extreme Right, they tacitly support the violence demonstrated by the Extreme Right.
The Right Wing, the Far Right, the Extreme Right, they all exploit opportunities to further their own agenda.
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The Right Wing is a broad church.

The problem is the Right Wing and Far Right do not criticise the actions of the Extreme Right, they tacitly support the violence demonstrated by the Extreme Right.
The Right Wing, the Far Right, the Extreme Right, they all exploit opportunities to further their own agenda.
Never seen the black lives riots getting criticised by the left
Never seen the black lives riots getting criticised by the left
You evidently were not looking... Khan, who I personally don't like that much, spent three days touring all the news outlets, 1. supporting the police and 2. telling everybody that would listen that violent protest is never ever acceptable and perpetrators would be punished. In the house, there was a formal statement by the then PM, saying much the same thing, to which both the left and right gave hear hear , or approved and starmer fully endorsed at the dispatch box.
135 people were arrested for violent disorder and 122 were charged, with 97 convictions, the others taking a caution.

Hope some facts sort it out for you, just do a google search its pretty easy.
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You evidently were not looking... Khan, who I personally don't like that much, spent three days touring all the news outlets, 1. supporting the police and 2. telling everybody that would listen that violent protest is never ever acceptable and perpetrators would be punished. In the house, there was a formal statement by the then PM, saying much the same thing, to which both the left and right gave hear hear , or approved and starmer fully endorsed at the dispatch box.
135 people were arrested for violent disorder and 122 were charged, with 97 convictions, the others taking a caution.

Hope some facts sort it out for you, just do a google search its pretty easy.
Oh so one left winger said something that's all good then
Never seen the black lives riots getting criticised by the left
What riots? There were problems in a couple in London and some found themselves arrested as a result. More of a few problem people than a riot but some police were injured in one very large demo that turned out to be larger than expected.
The wiki documents every demo.

Your confusing your view with reality.
The left wing is quite a broad church too, The Left, TTK and then the Looney Left

I always think of it a bit like a clock, 'The Left' is quarter to and 'The Right' being quarter past. When you get beyond these to the extremes 25 to, and 25 past, the only real difference is the 'extreme right' like to shout Paedo at anyone they don't agree with and the 'Far Left' like to shout RACIST

I would say I'm bang on the hour., where are you?
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