Right Wing, Far Right, Extreme Right

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For context, where on the clock face would you put Tony Blair and John Major?
Tony was my perfect conservative - about a minute past

I don't really have an opinion on John Major - a strange transition period between thatcher and blair, was this the era of all the tory sex scandels? Even Major himself with his ' back to basic family values' turned out he was banging Edwina - LOL
I think he was probably a decent enough person, a bit like Rishi - at another time they both could have been fine leaders, but unfortunatley for them they were in charge of out-of-control clowns.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. :rolleyes:


Nearly three-quarters of Britons are worried about rightwing extremism after anti-migrant riots, polling has found, with increasing numbers concerned about societal divisions. The survey also found that while people generally believed politicians did not react especially well to the wave of disturbances, they generally felt Keir Starmer responded well – while Nigel Farage did not. Overall, 85% of those asked said they believed British society is very or fairly divided, the highest such level since 2019, with only 11% disagreeing.

The Granudia
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. :rolleyes:


Nearly three-quarters of Britons are worried about rightwing extremism after anti-migrant riots, polling has found, with increasing numbers concerned about societal divisions. The survey also found that while people generally believed politicians did not react especially well to the wave of disturbances, they generally felt Keir Starmer responded well – while Nigel Farage did not. Overall, 85% of those asked said they believed British society is very or fairly divided, the highest such level since 2019, with only 11% disagreeing.

The Granudia
Couldn't see how many people were polled. 74% worried about religious extremism and 59% worried about left wing nutters. Helps explain the 85% (two categories, fairly and very divided) that worry about division. Left wing drivel mate.
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Left wing drivel mate.
It is a biased look, yes.
However, there's no denying the turnout of anti-right wing protests v's the right wing riots. Also, a look back at other anti-right wing stuff, follows the same pattern.
Look to the USA.
No, to what?
No, there hasn't been discrimination, social injustice, systemic racism and inequality?
That would be easily proven by official reports, enquiries and data, etc.

Or No, the BLM protests were not justified?
I would agree that rioting and violence is never justified, But after decades of inequality, social injustice,, systemic racism, police violence and discrimination, it's understandable that there will be some protests that can become unruly.

The police are not slow to resort to violence against black people.
On March 7, 1965, state and local police used billy clubs, whips, and tear gas to attack hundreds of civil rights activists beginning a march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capitol in Montgomery. The activists were protesting the denial of voting rights to African Americans as well as the murder of 26-year-old activist Jimmie Lee Jackson, who had been fatally shot in the stomach by police during a peaceful protest just days before.
The left wing is quite a broad church too, The Left, TTK and then the Looney Left

I can't think of any The Left, TTK (what's that?) or looney left riots, or violence against another group of people due to their political belief.
Can anyone remind me?

I always think of it a bit like a clock, 'The Left' is quarter to and 'The Right' being quarter past. When you get beyond these to the extremes 25 to, and 25 past, the only real difference is the 'extreme right' like to shout Paedo at anyone they don't agree with and the 'Far Left' like to shout RACIST
Of course you do. Everyone thinks of themselves as 'in the middle'. :rolleyes:
The middle ground is not static, as in midday or midnight, it moves depending on, and reacting to events and current party popularity.
For instance, the recent riots will have shifted the 'middle ground' to the left as people recoil in horror from the violence witnessed by 'the Right Wing'.

Your idea that the middle ground is static would be like suggesting that support for political parties is static, and unwavering.
The left wing is quite a broad church too, The Left, TTK and then the Looney Left

I always think of it a bit like a clock, 'The Left' is quarter to and 'The Right' being quarter past. When you get beyond these to the extremes 25 to, and 25 past, the only real difference is the 'extreme right' like to shout Paedo at anyone they don't agree with and the 'Far Left' like to shout RACIST

I would say I'm bang on the hour., where are you?
I think your clock is on legs, and the left 1 has fallen off
74% worried about religious extremism
It didn't define any religion.
Christian religions can be as extreme as any other.
It was Christian religions that sponsored hundreds of thousands of missionaries to convert the world to Christianity , and still does.
In 2021, there’s an estimated 430,000 Christian missionaries on the field full-time.
https://nationsoutreach.org/blog/ch..., there's an estimated,on the field full-time.

Sure, you can argue that the modern-day Christian missionaries are charitable institutions, but they're still out to convert others to Christianity.

And there's the religious divide in Ireland/NI. Although I suspect it is becoming less a religious divide now, and more of a political divide.
Then there's the religious/ethnic divide in the Middle East.
I can't think of any The Left, TTK (what's that?) or looney left riots, or violence against another group of people due to their political belief.
Can anyone remind me?
The TTK - its a rather sinister upcoming movement in the far left, believes in using the law to stifle anyone opposed to its values and goals. It is a short acronym for the Two Tier Kiers
The TTK - its a rather sinister upcoming movement in the far left, believes in using the law to stifle anyone opposed to its values and goals. It is a short acronym for the Two Tier Kiers
This 2 tier kier thing, is a far right scare tactic, with no truth to it though.

You've made so many claims about this removing free speech and never once shown an example.

You are much further right than you think. Certainly on a par with filly, who at least admits he is very right, if not far right
The TTK - its a rather sinister upcoming movement in the far left, believes in using the law to stifle anyone opposed to its values and goals. It is a short acronym for the Two Tier Kiers
Started by motorbiking?
He likes to misrepresent the law in his futile attempts to stifle opinions opposed to his own. :giggle:

I do think it's rather funny, you believing your opinions are close to current political events and movements. :rolleyes:
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