Right Wing, Far Right, Extreme Right

The mark of the far right is they call everybody that disagrees with them Paedos
Where as the looney left call everyone "RACISTS"

which of those words gets used the most in here ?
The one that applies to the regular attitude displayed by some regular members.

And they are allowed to continue posting their anti-asylum seeker hatred, and have been for many, many years.
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The one that applies to the regular attitude displayed by some regular members.

And they are allowed to continue posting their anti-asylum seeker hatred, and have been for many, many years.
what else would you expect to see in a "right-wing forum"?
Proportional representation pretty much ensures any far right party would be part of a larger coalition doesn't it?
But the thing is it gets tempered...

If we had PR in 2016 then we wouldn't have had brexit!

Remember when that far right idiot was on Question Time?

He was torn apart, and had to go back to being a bit player racist!
Proportional representation pretty much ensures any far right party would be part of a larger coalition doesn't it?

According to R5L yesterday, no, it does not.

In the case of the German parties, some have [articles] within their [constitutions], forbidding them from forming coalitions with certain other parties.

I can't recall the exact details, but it would be a coalition of the other parties pushing out the far-right.
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well that says it all really - someone form the deep looney left thinks the BBC are balanced - it is only cause they are tell you what you want to here.
I would hardly call many on here as loopy left. Most of those called such are actually centrist, possibly slightly left leaning.

To view those as loopy left shows how far right your (current) mindset is. I say current, because you never used to be so bad.
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