Right Wing, Far Right, Extreme Right

As it relates to the general aspect discussed there is another factor as well. First past the post gives the sort of results we get which can mean a coalition. Look at the PR approach and regard it as a 2nd vote. It has exactly the same problem. One result in Germany was a party with 5% of the vote propping up the main party for years. More recently the greens have figured. That has resulted in directions that other countries see as strange - nuclear aspects. The latest coalition goes by the name of
SPD and the Free Democratic Party (FDP) in the traffic light coalition since the 2021 German federal election.

Fact is that under first past the post parties tend to drift in the direction the public wants. The various parties are influencers. That is taken in by the public. Public views then range from maybe have a point to extremists. The extreme end tend to ignore practicalities. That can be a great idea for popularism - ignore the practicalities.
Listening to the news i hear the Chancellor wants to exclude the far-right from next years elections in Germany. It's all very well talking about democracy but when it gives rise to neo-Fascists the line must be drawn. They start off talking reasonably about immigration but we know where it ends, don't we.
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yes but does she or louis pick someone who fits their stereotype, and the stereotype their audience wants to see?
Be more suspicious of what you are told, whether it be BBC, LBC RT or GBnews. they all have their own angle, they all want to convince you.
They don't have to convince me MAGA are unsane. You only have to read their manifesto or listen to the Trumpy rhetoric parping out of their face-hole.
Listening to the news i hear the Chancellor wants to exclude the far-right from next years elections in Germany. It's all very well talking about democracy but when it gives rise to neo-Fascists the line must be drawn. They start off talking reasonably about immigration but we know where it ends, don't we.
Whilst i understand that.

It may have the opposite effect to what he hopes for.
Whilst i understand that.

It may have the opposite effect to what he hopes for.
Damned if he does...damned if he does not. In tht case, i'd choose to damn them and let the Devil take the consequences - or would you rather see Germany ruled by neo-Nazis?
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Morally corrupt, virtue signalling, neoloopyleft organisation - what ever the programme will be about, it will be there to manipulate you to their strange way of thinking.
Loopyleft...? You must be confused?
The dishonest, truthless, fact free, morally corrupt manipulative rag The Wail, is a right wing rag boyo.
Damned if he does...damned if he does not. In tht case, i'd choose to damn them and let the Devil take the consequences - or would you rather see Germany ruled by neo-Nazis?
No. I fully understand. Do we never learn from history ?

But it's a high wire act.
Proportional representation pretty much ensures any far right party would be part of a larger coalition doesn't it?

All the other parties could join together and exclude the far right.
yes but does she or louis pick someone who fits their stereotype, and the stereotype their audience wants to see?
Be more suspicious of what you are told, whether it be BBC, LBC RT or GBnews. they all have their own angle, they all want to convince you.
BBC and LBC are pretty balanced views without much attempt at trying to convince.

LBC has a range of presenters from left and right

They have no equivalence to RT or GBnews
Morally corrupt, virtue signalling, neoloopyleft organisation - what ever the programme will be about, it will be there to manipulate you to their strange way of thinking.
Abject nonsense.

By the way the Tories stuffed BBC top management with Tory mates and along with r/w media spent the last few years threatening to defund BBC…..so it’s turned into a Tory lite mouthpiece
BBC and LBC are pretty balanced views without much attempt at trying to convince.

LBC has a range of presenters from left and right

They have no equivalence to RT or GBnews
well that says it all really - someone form the deep looney left thinks the BBC are balanced - it is only cause they are tell you what you want to here.
The mark of the far right is they call everybody that disagrees with them Paedos
Where as the looney left call everyone "RACISTS"

which of those words gets used the most in here ?

"Right Wing, Far Right, Extreme Right"​

Is this what Himmy calls out just before reaching for the tissues? :ROFLMAO:
Extreme right to you would be far lefty wokery. :rolleyes:

But it's good that you're still very much aware of his/her existence.
Or is the legend that scares you? :D
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