RNLI takes down its website after suspected hacking attempt

These workers seemed decent folk and said they wanted to stay in Turkey - good on them, Turkey is a far more suitable place for them than Europe.
Many refugees are highly qualified and they all escape death, torture or persecution to rebuild their lives and prosper.

(Note to the people who claim that Syrian refugees are fleeing conditions caused by the actions of the UK: these Syrians were fleeing Russian planes and islamic savages).
It isn't just the sheer amount of bombs dropped, it's also the illegal use and indiscriminate use of such weapons.
The report further adds that through the use of barrel bombs filled with poison gases, the Syrian regime has violated the rules of customary international humanitarian law which prohibits the use of chemical weapons regardless of the circumstances.
And let's not exclude UK's and US's bombing of Syria.
The UK has been bombing so-called Islamic State targets in Iraq since 2014 and in Syria since the year after.

US defends air strikes that killed civilians in Syria

. In other words, he is importing voters, which is what Tony Blair did. This is a modern trend; France has been doing it as well. There, it is known as the "Great Replacement".
Now you've resorted to being silly.
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the EU pays billions to Turkey…..because there are 3.5million Syrian refugees there.

but there are 80 million displaced people in the world, I doubt Turkey can take all them.
And as environmental displacement increases, the situation will deteriorate.
But UK will still not have a humanitarian process in place, and it will still be blaming the refugees for the problem.
I'm sure you were aware of the requirements, but you cannot choose to ignore them when suggesting that refugees should be ignored due to how they arrived in their predicament.

Using urban mythology and untrue rumours to ferment hatred against refugees is indicative of your attitude towards refugees, and your sympathy with a far right government.

That suggests why the rumours, urban mythology and allegations are probably untrue.

They were rescuing people at sea in distress. It doesn't matter how far out at sea they were. And if the Libyan coastguard is not existent, or even hostile to refugees at sea, the refugees were in greater peril.
And Italy were acting in contravention of international conventions.

No-one is suggesting making the crossing any safer.
The call is for "safer routes", not to make the unsafe routes safer.
But while the only options are unsafe routes, then search and rescue are obliged to support the absence of UK government's functioning policies. That does not only apply to refugees, it applies to feeding kids, housing families, etc.

You need to rethink your approach.
If all nations took that approach, there would be no rescue outside of national waters.

Before you start accusing people of being right wing sympathisers, perhaps you’d like to research the locations of the pick ups? Since you are such an expert on maritime matters, I won’t need to show you how, neither will i need to point out the regulations for crossing TSZs. You also can’t change how long it takes a vessel with a top speed of 25kts to travel more than 50 miles, it’s simply not realistic to expect rescue vessels to work off-shore. That is why SOLAS exists.
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Before you start accusing people of being right wing sympathisers, perhaps you’d like to research the locations of the pick ups? Since you are such an expert on maritime matters, I won’t need to show you how, neither will i need to point out the regulations for crossing TSZs.
Please do, I wouldn't like to deprive you of presenting some evidence to support your views.
And we're not the only ones on this forum. I'm sure others would appreciate seeing your posts.
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No doubt BD/SP/AE will shoot me down but isn't time the whole of Europe put their heads together and sorted out how to deal with this together.

We understand that refugees/asylum seekers are supposed to apply in the first safe country they arrive in; now isn't that Greece/Italy/Croatia/Spain; in the UK's place that isn't France as many people are saying. Those countries cannot or do not want to absorb them all and so they are happy to see the asylum seekers move on. Why there isn't a collective move from the countries that are absorbing many of the peoples travelling long distances to in Europe and making difficult sea crossings to set up asylum processing offices in Greece/Italy/Croatia/Spain and then we could see a fairer distribution of said people.

And as environmental displacement increases, the situation will deteriorate.
But UK will still not have a humanitarian process in place, and it will still be blaming the refugees for the problem.

The UK's position is difficult I agree. What needs to be sorted is to make what we do with Asylum/refugees/illegals is seen to be fair to the UK tax paying population (who are probably the most anti and outspoken); yes to housing such people but cause them to work whilst waiting for their applications to be processed. The present UK actions makes it easy for those people been seen to be taking advantage of the UK's generosity.
Please do, I wouldn't like to deprive you of presenting some evidence to support your views.
And we're not the only ones on this forum. I'm sure others would appreciate seeing your posts.
You’re the one claiming something is rumour when it’s not and providing no evidence. Did you even read the RNLIs statement? They have confirmed they regularly go in to French waters to assist migrants. Plenty of sources show the AIS logs.
We understand that refugees/asylum seekers are supposed to apply in the first safe country they arrive in; now isn't that Greece/Italy/Croatia/Spain; in the UK's place that isn't France as many people are saying. Those countries cannot or do not want to absorb them all and so they are happy to see the asylum seekers move on. Why there isn't a collective move from the countries that are absorbing many of the peoples travelling long distances to in Europe and making difficult sea crossings to set up asylum processing offices in Greece/Italy/Croatia/Spain and then we could see a fairer distribution of said people.

"a fairer distribution of said people" -is the crux of the problem, the public in each country is saying "not my problem" -and that attitude rules out any collaboration
No doubt BD/SP/AE will shoot me down but isn't time the whole of Europe put their heads together and sorted out how to deal with this together.
The world needs to get their act together and stop causing the problem.

We understand that refugees/asylum seekers are supposed to apply in the first safe country they arrive in;
Your understanding is erroneous.
There is no requirement of any sort.

. Why there isn't a collective move from the countries that are absorbing many of the peoples travelling long distances to in Europe and making difficult sea crossings to set up asylum processing offices in Greece/Italy/Croatia/Spain and then we could see a fairer distribution of said people.
As soon as you set up processing centres in other countries, a) there will be a massive increase in denied applications, and b) it would be the obligation on that 'other' country to accommodate that failed asylum seeker.

The UK's position is difficult I agree.
The UK's position has been hyped up by right wing media.
As the refugee population in Germany is only 1.5%, I suspect it's a lot less in UK.
In addition the "illegal" immigrants are mainly visa overstayers, not failed asylum seekers.
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You’re the one claiming something is rumour when it’s not and providing no evidence. Did you even read the RNLIs statement? They have confirmed they regularly go in to French waters to assist migrants. Plenty of sources show the AIS logs.
You're the one presenting the rumours, I suggest you present some evidence to support your rumours.
You're the one presenting the rumours, I suggest you present some evidence to support your rumours.
As others have frequently said, "rumour presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence".
This doesn't stack up - it would take a minimum of 2 hours for them (RNLI) to get there, if they were "home" based. They (RNLI) really aren't the best people to be assisting migrants in French waters.

.. but they have been accused of journeying to French waters for the purpose of escorting migrant boats through the TSZ etc on more than one occasion.

... perhaps you’d like to research the locations of the pick ups? ...You also can’t change how long it takes a vessel with a top speed of 25kts to travel more than 50 miles, it’s simply not realistic to expect rescue vessels to work off-shore. That is why SOLAS exists.

They have confirmed they regularly go in to French waters to assist migrants. Plenty of sources show the AIS logs.
You are contradicting your own argument.
Not at all, I’m making a point that the RNLI are not best placed to aid boats in French waters. There should and would have been local services to help. But we can guess that those local services would have taken them back to France which neither the migrants nor the French government want.

Hence the RNLI expose themselves to the taxi service trap.
You're the one presenting the rumours, I suggest you present some evidence to support your rumours.
Are you saying the RNLI aren’t operating in French waters ? You seem to think it’s a rumour.

If you lived in Liverpool and you needed an ambulance, would you want it to come from London?
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Are you saying the RNLI aren’t operating in French waters ? You seem to think it’s a rumour.
You obviously believe it and have told the forum it's true, but we're still waiting for your presentation of proof to show that it's not a rumour.
I'm sure you are aware it's not possible to prove a negative, and as your rumour is in the affirmative, the onus is on you to prove it.
As you have said, it's nonsensical for UK RNLI to enter French waters to effect a rescue when the French equivalent are closer and more familiar with their territorial waters. But even so, the territorial limit would not restrict any rescue service from effecting a rescue in other's territorial waters, if they happen to be closer.

There were some rumours about French fishermen escorting refugees out of French waters, but that is easily interpreted as fishermen shadowing a boat in case they need assistance. You can't force assistance on those that don't require or ask for it.
There should and would have been local services to help. But we can guess that those local services would have taken them back to France which neither the migrants nor the French government want.
You mean you can speculate and initiate rumours based on your speculation.
Shall we discuss how many migrants are apprehended and/or rescued by the French?

PARIS, Nov 21 (Reuters) - A total of 243 migrants were rescued in the English Channel on Friday and Saturday while trying to cross to Britain from France in makeshift boats, local French authorities on Sunday.

More than 340 migrants were rescued in the English Channel over the weekend, according to French authorities.

210 migrants, including four women and a child, were rescued in seven separate operations between Monday and Tuesday evening, French authorities said late Tuesday (November 9).

A total of 213 migrants were rescued in the Channel on Sunday and Monday as they tried to cross from France to Britain in small boats, French officials said. The operation reportedly involved at least one helicopter and four vessels of the French navy and the National Society for Rescue at Sea (SNSM).

According to the French authorities, 31,500 people have attempted the crossing since the start of the year, and 7,800 people have been rescued at sea, figures which have doubled since August.
and the list goes on.......
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