RNLI takes down its website after suspected hacking attempt

Here is the statement they made defending why they launched from Dungeness in Kent in to French waters to assist:


Here is the original Daily mail article that broke the news:
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Here is the statement they made defending why they launched from Dungeness in Kent in to French waters to assist:


Here is the original Daily mail article that broke the news:
That statement does not support your rumour that RNLI are operating in French territorial waters.
What it does, is to confirm that if they do, they are operating, not only perfectly legally, but morally justifiably.

And anyone that accepts and believes the far right wing magazine, the Mail Online, without supporting evidence, needs their heads examined.

Still waiting for your evidence to support your rumours.
The show's main message was that Erdogan welcomes these refugees; they fought for him in the recent attempted military coup and he houses, pays and treats them well. Erdogan has plans for the refugees as part of Turkey's forthcoming mighty islamic resurgence. In other words, he is importing voters, which is what Tony Blair did. This is a modern trend; France has been doing it as well. There, it is known as the "Great Replacement".

I should have said: "In other words, he is importing muslim voters, which is what Tony Blair did. This is a modern trend; France has been doing it as well. There, it is known as The Great Replacement".

Is anyone following French politics at the moment? Eric Zemmour is the man to watch.
I should have said: "In other words, he is importing muslim voters, which is what Tony Blair did. This is a modern trend; France has been doing it as well. There, it is known as The Great Replacement".

Is anyone following French politics at the moment? Eric Zemmour is the man to watch.
Your islamophobia is obviously so well ingrained that you're creating your own perverted world view.
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I should have said: "In other words, he is importing muslim voters

The population of Turkey is 99% Muslim.

and Erdogan is not importing anybody, millions of Syrians fled there because of war.

and Turkey has been paid by EU to keep many of them.

Your hatred of foreigners is distorting facts
The population of Turkey is 99% Muslim.
and Erdogan is not importing anybody, millions of Syrians fled there because of war.
and Turkey has been paid by EU to keep many of them.
Your hatred of foreigners is distorting facts

I didn't know much about, and certainly didn't hate, muslims pre-9/11. All I knew about them were things like whirling dervishes and Sufis. I didn't know the bad side. Sufi is a peaceful sect of islam; it was a fashionable alternative religion for hippies in the 1960s. The TV doc the other night showed that most of Turkey's muslims are peaceful, many of them drink and dance and enjoy music - it was like watching an Alan Whicker show from the 1970s. The Sufis, dervishes and other peaceful Turks are a far cry from the type of muslims we have in the north of England. Erdogan, however, wants the stricter form of islam, and many of those he is taking in are from the violent wasabi and doolally sects. These types are infiltrating Europe and gaining the vote in their host countries. Chillingly, Erdogan has been know to say that "democracy is a means to an end".

He is a disgusting far right politician.

Coming from you that's a ringing endorsement. Have a like and a thanks.
I didn't know much about, and certainly didn't hate, muslims pre-9/11. All I knew about them were things like whirling dervishes and Sufis. I didn't know the bad side. Sufi is a peaceful sect of islam; it was a fashionable alternative religion for hippies in the 1960s. The TV doc the other night showed that most of Turkey's muslims are peaceful, many of them drink and dance and enjoy music - it was like watching an Alan Whicker show from the 1970s. The Sufis, dervishes and other peaceful Turks are a far cry from the type of muslims we have in the north of England. Erdogan, however, wants the stricter form of islam, and many of those he is taking in are from the violent wasabi and doolally sects. These types are infiltrating Europe and gaining the vote in their host countries. Chillingly, Erdogan has been know to say that "democracy is a means to an end".
You demonstrate such poor understanding of Christianity and western culture, and you expect the forum to believe that you've been educating yourself about Islam since 9/11?
You don't even understand the origin of Xmas.
As JohnD suggested, you're a charlatan.
Andy11 cannot be expected to be a Scripture scholar.
his opinions are not necessarily based on knowledge.
And as Notch7 suggests you exploit your pretence of understanding of Islam to promote hatred against foreigners.

You're also a charlatan when it comes to medical matters.
One of the reasons I know that covid is a massive scam
As I've said previously, your world view is perverted and distorted by your ideology.
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Andy has already shown that he does not understand statistics, or economics, or truth.

I suppose we should add Christianity to the list.

it grows ever longer.
There's nothing illegal about claiming asylum. It's written in UN conventions.
Persistently arguing that it is illegal is like trying to hold back the tide, it only serves to demonstrate your lack of understanding.

Rather your lack of understanding.
People crossing the chanel are in a safe country are they not. Crossing Europe to put themselves in danger attempting an illegal entry in to this country.
People crossing the chanel are in a safe country are they not.
Adopting an ELFImpudence style of pedantry, No they're not in a safe country while they're crossing the chanel. (sic) :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
That headline doesn’t quite match the body of the article. Most of their funding comes from legacies and the Guardian posted similar good news stories in 2019 and 2020. Yet the accounts didn’t match.

They will certainly need more funding given their current strategy and deficit. The RYA is in a similar boat, highly impacted by covid and the inability to recruit/fund raise at events.
That headline doesn’t quite match the body of the article. Most of their funding comes from legacies and the Guardian posted similar good news stories in 2019 and 2020. Yet the accounts didn’t match.
Do you have the years comparison figures?
If so, please provide a link to your source.
Bearing in mind the 2021 accounts have not been finalised yet. So your comment referring to this year is pure politically-fuelled speculation. They're not expected for about 6 months (see below).

The 2020 (which was a difficult year for everyone, except relatives and friends of influential Tories) Accounts shows income:
  • Donations (-£5.3M)
  • Trading (net) (-£1.9M)
  • Charitable trading (-£1.3M)
  • Investments (net) (-£0.6M)
  • Legacies (+£5.0M)


They will certainly need more funding given their current strategy and deficit.
You've made it very plain that you echo Nigel Farage's "migrant taxi service" political views.
They were able to increase their support for international projects in 2019 following Tory criticism of their work.

2018 was a poor year for them.
The accounts state: “2018 was a difficult year in the world of investments, with nearly all markets in negative territory – especially in the final three months – and the RNLI experienced falls across all areas of its portfolio except for property.”

Even supposedly well-informed people demonstrate ignorance:
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