Rossi E-Cat cold fusion to solve world energy problems

From the Ecat site mentioned in the original post:

Read some of the remarks, and the above article. Here’s my insight on this starting from the “possible” nucleic reactions of adding a proton to Nickel (which is what the article implies):

The main reactions that can possibly happen assuming somehow Rossi get a proton into a Nickel nucleus are:
(1) Ni_58 (68.007% abundance) + proton gives, Cu_59 ->(beta plus, 81s half life) Ni_59 ->(beta_plus, very short hf)Co_59 (stable)
(2) Ni_60 (26.223%) + p gives Cu_61->(beta plus 3.3h half life) Ni_61 (stable)
(3) Ni_62 (3.635%) + p : Cu_63 (stable) Not generating any energy
(4) Ni_61 (1.139%) + p : Cu_62 ->(beta plus 9.6min) Ni_62 (stable)

They emit beta_plus (positron) so that will emit as gamma rays (mostly) indeed. High energy radiation. Care should be taken indeed.

Besides the Cu_61 that decays with 3.3 hours half life, nothing is very long, so indeed no radioactivity is to be left after a few hours, or 1-2 days. If path 2 is not happening then really nothing is left radioactive a short while after ending the process.

In theory if he has found a way of pushing a proton into Nickel in low energy , this might work. However:
(1) I find it highly unreasonable it is possible. No matter what – remember that a proton is a positive charge and you try to bullet it into a highly positive nucleus. You need a lot of energy in order to do that, there’s really no way around it without having to replace alot of the laws of physics. I can’t see it happening with a proton and low energies, really.
(2) Any such attempts with current knwon physics will require much more energy to get the proton into the Nickel atom than what is gained after with the decays. There are no free lunches in life, and esp. in physics, and esp. in energy calculations.

Since nothing was revealed about the theory and protocol, We have to sadly deduce that
(1) Either this is a hoax.
(2) Something else happens which is NOT LENR (which is practically impossible). That is also very unlikely.
(3) Bad science and mistakes. Not the first time in history this is happens.

Any rational person sadly (As we all would like something like that to be true) has to say there’s still nothing here.

How can you claim to have something like that and not explain the details of the aparatus and what you think is happening? No real scientist would ever hide it. If it is true it is the biggest thing since Einstein, but Einstein was open and wrote papers and books, this guy acts like a hoax guy not like a scientist.
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Detailed explanation of how it works :

and early idea of home use model:


other news:

Next Few Months

New customers of the one megawatt E-Cat plant reveal their identity publicly.
Location of first E-Cat factory in the United States revealed.

1-2 Years Off

First home heating E-Cat units offered at a reasonable price. (1-2 years)
If, (and it seems to be a big IF) it works, it won't take long for our government to levy some sort of tax on it. Can't have people heating their homes cheaply you know. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
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something like the TV license, perhaps
Probably,,,,,, But far more expensive. ;) ;) ;)

(Put it this way, if it saved you £500 a year on heating bills, the government will probably charge around £350 a year)
For such a significant and important breakthrough, there does not seem to be much mention in the mainstream news or scientific sites

However, I do recall a mere few lines as a filler item in a magazine a few years ago, were a company announced that it had miniaturised transistors and these could potentially be made into thin flat display screens. Look what happened with that
It's monatomic hydrogen again! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This is yet another manifestation of the now infamous cold fusion experiment of 1989. Every chemist knows - or should know - that some metals form hydrides and the reaction is exothermic. Palladium (as used in the original cold fusion experiment) is one and nickel is another. What every chemist should also know is that if molecular hydrogen (H2) reacts with a metal to produce heat then monatomic - aka nascent - hydrogen will do so a lot faster!

This latest contraption is the third one I've heard of and guess what, they all involve a reaction between monatomic hydrogen and a suitable metal. Yes, you'll get energy out but nickel is an expensive fuel (though cheaper than palladium :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: ) and it'll stop working when it's saturated with hydrogen. :( :( :(

Not one of these so called fusion experiments has stood up to close scrutiny. Way back in 1989 my very first question was "where's the helium" or, indeed, any other nuclide that wasn't there in the first place? :?: :?: :?: (Biker1959 has given us a very detailed set of possible nuclear reactions between hydrogen and nickel, none of which have been reliably observed in this case.)

The original experiment was a triumph of greed over science and it should have been the end of the matter. There are lots of ways of achieving nuclear fusion without actually detonating a hydrogen bomb but they're all bl**dy hot! The only one I know of that looks cold (but isn't really) involves collapsing vacuum bubbles to create momentary pin points of enormous pressure and temperature. It might just work on an industrial scale but, for the time being, my money's on KSTAR. :) :) :)

a petition has been instigated:

"We petition the obama administration to:
investigate the usefulness of the Energy Catalizer, a creation of the Italian inventor Andrea Rossi. Petition

The inventor claims to have created a cold-fusion device capable of producing prodigious amounts of energy by way of the fusion of nickle and hydrogen at very low cost and with no radioactive by-products and no greenhouse gas emissions. Other agencies or agents of the Federal Government including NASA, Department of Navy, DARPA have investigated these devices and believe they have great potential but they have kept as silent as possible on their findings. It is time that we bring that research into the open, hopefully by the purchase of an Energy Catalizer and allowing for its testing in a intellectually open manner without the bias that has in the past been applied by the conventional physics community. The economic benefit of the advent of cheap clean energy is obvious.
WarmSoks said:
It is time that we bring that research into the open --

Absolutely, because that's how real science is done! The original cold fusion experiment came unstuck when the money-grubbers got hold of it and any chance of proper analysis, including peer review, was cut short in a mad rush to get the thing patented and sold. Like I said, it was a triumph of greed over science. :mad: :mad: :mad:

What I find most odd is that, 22 years later, the real source of the 'unexplained' energy has yet to be properly investigated. :eek: :eek: :eek: I still think that exothermic formation of metal hydride is the answer but I might be wrong. Meanwhile we have well-intentioned inventors running around trying to build a modern-day equivalent of the perpetual motion machine. :( :( :(
Surely if this were true, and the 1 mW plant that is supposed to be up and running in Bologna would be proof.

Also, if this does work I really don't think governments around the world will allow it to. This would cause the energy markets to crash - which is just what is not required right now.
i just came across this - it answers my question a bit..

E-Cat and cold fusion, open letter to Andrea Rossi

Brian Josephson, Nobel prize winner for physics in 1973, highlights the UK energy departement (DECC) interest in Andrea Rossi's E-Cat and invites the inventor to reconsider the idea of a scientific test.
A new piece in the puzzle of Rossi's E-Cat, which is said to be able to produce power with a cold fusion reaction: UK energy departement (DECC) has taken an interest in this tecnology, and might even plan "further action", under some conditions. In the exclusive open letter we publish here, Brian Josephson, physicist, who stands by Rossi since the beginning, invites him to reconsider the importance of a new, fast scientific test, after Rossi's negative reply to Francesco Celani's offer.

Brian Josephson adds that he doesn't necessarily looks up to Celani's offer (which, for secrecy reasons, doesn't match the refutability standards DECC have indicated), but highlights the matter of the benefit that could follow a scientific test.

Dear Andrea,
It appears that the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), unlike its US counterpart, has an open mind regarding your reactor, and acting upon Francesco Celani's suggestion from the Focus magazine's pages is likely to have a beneficial outcome by dispelling any doubts they may have. Is not the likelihood of endorsement from an institution such as the DECC of interest to you?
Regards, Brian Josephson

Brian Josephson refers to a report published on Free Energy Truth (2011, Nov 18th) stating that the DECC (UK's Department of Energy and Climate Change ) is taking an interest in Andrea Rossi's E-Cat. This is the posting from Free Energy Brian Josephson refers to:

"DECC is aware of this alleged power source: the DECC CSA, David MacKay FRS, has read some of the literature and has met Sven Kullander, who has reviewed an experiment and whose report is on the Defkalion website. The CSA's judgment is that it is appropriate for DECC to maintain a watch on this sector, with the key trigger for further action being the publication of the work in a reputable peer-refereed journal, including full details so that academic scientists can replicate the results."

David MacKay is a member of the Royal Society, professor in the department of Physics at the University of Cambridge and chief scientific adviser to the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

Sven Kullander, professor at the University of Uppsala, reviewed the tests of February 2011.
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