How many Iskanders do they have left? Can they bring their other 2 Slava (like Moskva) class ships into use?
Why would they? The Moskva is a rather special purpose ship intended to take out aircraft carriers. It's big, old and a nice thing to hit. Still leaves their modern missile ships in action. That's why missiles continue to be launched. Also from the ground.
Sites that list losses - I wonder but the estimate on the number of tanks Russia has comes out at about 12,000. All of them including Ukraine's can use reactive armour. Some shots shown of tanks are actually mobile artillery or infantry fighting vehicles. Lots of those too. Russia has probably been preparing for this for some time.
Kyiv? Mariupol action was rather different. As I see it Kyiv was a little like an old fashioned forlorn hope. Something that may have worked especially if resistance was low. War techniques never change that much really just the kit used. Kyiv and other places also tied up Ukraine troops and kit. Their real troops.
Russian troop losses. Initially NATO suggested some with a 2 to 1 range as it's not possible to be precise. Ukraine's estimate via Kyiv was way higher. The figures will be higher than they might have been given the nature of the attack on Kyiv. They could have flattened the place.
Ukraine is being fed info from western military. That evens things up. Russia has the ability to watch. Ukraine doesn't. Neither the west or Ukraine will say they are loosing for rather obvious reasons. There will be positive spin just as there will be in Russia. Of late some have said Russia is being more methodical. S|ow progress. Technique to me seems to be just the same as it always has been. Soften places up and at some point attack. Attacking defended positions will always result in losses. This is why Ukraine has been given plenty of defensive kit. When they get to a stage where they can attack they may face the same problem. Long range stuff means they can soften up but then comes an attack. For precise long range they need missiles. Drones might help. Russian drones are a bit of an unknown. Arms fairs show they have a number but no one knows what state they are in.
So in my view we do not have enough info to really judge the state of "play". It will emerge eventually. TBH I suspect Russia attacking was a no choice from their point of view once the troops etc were there and they will regret it at some point even given a win what ever form that takes. However trading with them no longer needs the USD nor the ruble, for some countries. Anything will do for those.