Usual media circus. They're fixated on Saville because of who he was. They'll wheel out any number of cranks looking for attention to help them embelish their paper-wasting little rags and the genuine victims will be lost in the frenzy.
My question is what about the ones still with us. Saville is dead and gone so will never be properly investigated or tested in court, but these people are still with us living it up on grossly over inflated BBC salaries and pensions. When are they going to be flushed out of the dung heap.
And that is why some of us have been advising caution.
If the allegations are true, then someone has some serious explaining to do and with luck, they'll have plenty of time and solitude to reflect on it.
Did you think that some people on an internet forum seeing savile for what he was might somehow impede the police from goig about their job of tracking down and prosecuting any others who might have been involved?