Scantronic 9800

I may have a 9800 pcb , not a plus if your struggling , just sold a 9800 plus panel and expander card for a £10 ....
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Yes as your not using more than 8 zones , will dig it out next week if you want it ....
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Hi I would have to have it posted to me if you have paypal I can send you postage costs through that or I can send you a cheque also I can’t take it for free so will buy it off you and pay the postage it’s the least I can do thanks
Hi just a quick update I have managed to get a used 9800 plus board that is reset back to manufacturers settings and tested all good once it’s installed I might need some help programming it if that’s ok thanks
I have just received my new/old board today and have wired it in there is now no fault when I come out of engineering mode just the green light so that now seems promising the Problem I got is there is nothing programmed in everything apart from default settings says nu not used can you please tell me how I programme my zones in for alarm to hopefully work my zones are as follows Z1 front door Z2 Hall Z3 lounge and Z4kitchen thanks
Quick update I have managed to link out door magnet via control panel I have removed the top 4wires on the left in the control panel and linked them out so door contact does not work and the alarm sets and goes of with just the sensors but I can’t understand why door sensor will not work as I have purchased a new sensor and wired it in unless I have wired it wrong thanks

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