School bans parents

And that permits them to drive inconsiderately, and park illegally right at the school gates?

Straw man argument there. When do people travelling by car permit them to break the traffic rules?

There is a separate issue how parents drive near the schools which should be addressed but it doesn't mean they should walk their kids to school.
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Straw man argument there. When do people travelling by car permit them to break the traffic rules?

No it isn't, because i didn't say that that it did.

There is a separate issue how parents drive near the schools which should be addressed but it doesn't mean they should walk their kids to school.

I disagree; responsible adults should walk kids in their charge to school.
there is no mention of risks being greater or less today that in the days of your fictional youth.

You're hallucinating gain.

Best you should cut down a bit.

not so the article was in the "i" paper , criminal checks on parents if they wish to enter the play ground with there children. If u have aproblem with the article or consider it to be false , in-accurate or a porkie pie , take it up with them or the press complaints commision.

Simples :)
if judy chooses to introduce some idea he's made up, I shall of course take it up with him.
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not so the article was in the "i" paper , criminal checks on parents if they wish to enter the play ground with there children. If u have a problem with the article or consider it to be false , in-accurate or a porkie pie , take it up with them or the press complaints commision.

Simples :)
Johnnyboy won't believe anything unless it comes from the Guardian (you know this well) If it's not in there it's probably not true.(in his mind anyway) He lives in a very small world, inhabited by only himself, Nosey and wannabefreeofway-har-be. A mystical world where everyone from the UK is guilty of something. (that's why we all need these DBS checks) Ask him if we're any safer years ago and he'll mention Mary Bell and those kids who killed the Bulger kid as an excuse to implement martial law. I do wonder if Edward Heath and Cyril Smith ever found themselves on List 99 ? (probably not)
lets suppose the school has 400 children.

Each might be accompanied, on different days, by mum, dad, mum's shady new boyfriend, the nanny, granddad1, granddad 2, wicked uncle albert, mrs miggins from next door, some wierdo who met them on the pavement and offered them sweets, mum's ex who has a court order against him.

How many of these do you recognise?

How do you know which of them is on the register?

All of them. And all the court orders. In a 700 pupil primary.
I never drove my kids to school, neither did the mrs. We walked them or the Au pair did.
Judy's hallucinations get worse every day.

Time for an inventory check on his trolley.
Come on Johnnyboy, you can do much better than that. I asked if children were any safer years ago that they are today and you responded by mentioning 3 or 4 names of convicted child killers. Are you seriously telling me that because of these 3 or 4 people, every parent, grandparent , uncle, aunt, brother , sister etc needs a DBS check to enter school playgrounds to collect children at the end of the day ?
Judy's hallucinations get worse every day.

Time for an inventory check on his trolley.

JohnD's quoting out of context gets more ridiculous every day :):):):):)

Its actually slightly amusing sometimes.......pointless though :mrgreen:
can you find a rational excuse for judys insane rant about martial law?
can you find a rational excuse for judys insane rant about martial law?

Can I find a rational reason for your insane quoting out of context?

..............................................................No :):):):)

It wasnt an insane rant about martial law, it was a clumsy attempt at sarcastic exaggeration :)

..., it was a clumsy attempt at sarcastic exaggeration :)
At least you must accept that if posters make clumsy attempts with sarcastic exaggeration, they should expect to be pilloried. ("Pilloried": an intentional 'clumsy attempt at sarcastic exaggeration' but also a figure of speech.)

In addition, it was an attempt at providing a straw man argument:
"Ask him if we're any safer years ago and he'll mention Mary Bell and those kids who killed the Bulger kid as an excuse to implement martial law."

"He will excuse to implement martial law"
A classic case of introducing a straw man argument!
Judith deserved to be pilloried, on both counts: a clumsy exaggeration, and the straw man argument.
It is what she does.

John did not quote out-of-context:
JohnD's quoting out of context gets more ridiculous every day
He picked up Judith's insane ramblings.
Now if Judith had the decency to recognise an accept her insane ramblings, I suspect she might learn something. We learn by our mistakes. But if we refuse to recognise and accept our mistakes, we learn nothing.
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