School bans parents

The original statement by judith was not rational or sensible and deserved derision. Similarly, your support for someone who makes irrational and nonsensical comments deserves derision.

So no proof then? :):):):)
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Notch fails.

No fail whatsoever.

I merely noted that making a quotes' implements martial law', is pointless.

Please explain how such a post, taken out of context, containing only 3 words has any point to it whatsoever.

Oh thats has no point :):):):)
I merely noted that making the ridiculous and false allegation that somebody wants to "implement martial law", is foolish and worthless.
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The original statement by judith was not rational or sensible and deserved derision. Similarly, your support for someone who makes irrational and nonsensical comments deserves derision.
OK lads , you've had your fun in the playground, but playtime is now over. Forget the bit about martial law, the rest of it is the real thing. Does JohnD and Wannabehimmyagain believe we're all guilty of something , to the extent that parents/ grandparents etc, need to pass a DBS check just to enter school buildings to pick their kids up? The country's gone stupid with all these absurd regulations. Do Johnnyboy and way-har-be, need to pass a DBS check to pick their kids up from school? How would they feel if they were told they had to undertake the process? Outraged, incensed, or safe in the knowledge that they'd never broken the law in their life? Would they pay the fees to take the DBS check, just so they can meet their own children at school ?
Does JohnD and Wannabehimmyagain believe we're all guilty of something , to the extent that parents/ grandparents etc, need to pass a DBS

oh judy you are silly.

if you passed a dbs check you probably don't have a criminal record for interfering with children.

Whether you are guilty or not is of course a different question.

are unidentified adults usually allowed to wander about in school playgrounds?

Remind me, did you say earlier that unidentified adults should be allowed to roam school premises?

absurd regulations
You mean you preferred the days when criminals could practice their interests unhindered?

meet their own children at school
You're not familiar with the concept of "waiting at the school gate." It's quite normal and happens all over the country. Has done for centuries. No dbs or permission required to stand on the pavement. You're obviously more ignorant than I thought.
:rolleyes: more ball cocks and comments made completely out of context of the original thread

who said any thing about un-identified adults roaming a school ?

jeez us wept :LOL:
It was a question, actually.

Let me know if you need any more help with your reading comprehension.
Remind me, did you say earlier that unidentified adults should be allowed to roam school premises?

Ahh so you're assuming that the childrens parents/ grandparents, haven't been identified? Christ sake you nit pick everything anyone writes on this forum. If you're happy to pay for a DBS check so you can pick your kids up from school then so be it. While you're at it, you might as well allow the government to control what you can do on the internet, what you can watch on TV. Perhaps you'll be so kind as to allow them to control what you buy for your weekly shopping too? Namby pamby state is where we're heading and sadly it's people like you who are / will allow it to happen.
Ah! So you're assuming that every adult wandering around the playground is showing some kind of identification document proving them to be children's parents/ grandparents!

Where did you get that idea?

What makes you think that people cannot be undesirables if they are parents or grandparents?
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