Shaker Aamer, Guantanamo detainee.

Who, on here would leave the UK, travel to

That's irrelevant.

If a person was part of illegal activity, or waging illegal war, then they should be tried as such. That is the way a society operates.

You are missing the point that a person has been locked way by a state and no case has been presented against them nor have they been given access to legal assistance.

Ignore the person, ignore the country, ignore the allegations or reasons, and then ask yourself "is it right?". Incarceration for years without trial. Is it right?
I don't think it's irrelevant at all, woody. Taken in the context that his excuse is, he moved to Taliban held Afghanistan, to make a better life for his family, why is he still here in the UK now? Surely he is now free to go back there and find this "better life" for him and his family? If he does want to go there, I'm sure me and plenty of people in the UK would chip together to find the airfare for him and his family. I bet my last 1p coin he wouldn't take up an offer to return to this utopia.. Come on Woody, use that grey matter in your head. Forget any laws we have
for a moment. In all reality, how can life be better in "Taliban held Afghanistan" than it is here? Explain this to me and I'll quit this thread for good. Do you think life would be better under the Taliban , than is is here in the UK ? If it is, what on earth is he still doing here? The blokes a bloody liar (and probably still on benefits)
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I don't think it's irrelevant at all, woody. Taken in the context that his excuse is, he moved to Taliban held Afghanistan

It's not relevant why he was there.

If he was Taliban, then (if that is a crime) he should have been tried as such.You can't just suppose something and then lock someone up for 14 years without charge. Evidence, legal process, defending accusations etc, are all fundamental requirements over assumptions.

By your logic, someone who moves to west Belfast would automatically be an IRA member.

Digressing to your other point, 'why would anyone want to move there'?
I can see your point of view, and yes we might think 'why would anyone want to go there?'

Well the Taliban, like ISIS, sell a dream to those inclined. They describe a life, not of murder and hate, but one of living peacefully in accordance with their beliefs with like minded people. If that's what someone subscribes to, then it's a powerful draw. It does not mean that they go to fight, but maybe just to live under that umbrella.

It's a bit like picking up a Thompsons brochure for your next holiday. It all looks good and it sounds great, and you can't wait to get there. But what is not in the brochure is that big building site and fish factory next to the hotel and beach.
Gone a bit off the track really. I don't know if this bloke was up to no good or not - he may well have been. But that's not the point, the point is it isn't right to lock somebody up for 14 years without charge. If he was up to no good then why did they not charge him and put it to the test in the normal way. The answer can only be that they weren't sure of their evidence.

I suspect they knew exactly what he did and had sufficient evidence.

But it is likely that any crime he commited would have carried an insignificant sentance, I suspect someone decided that it suited their/our purposes better to hold him for a longer period.

Stupid decision that backfired imo.
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I don't think it was a question of evidence.

My guess is that they didn't want to set a precedent of treating these prisoners according to any legal system.

BTW this particular guy was not captured in battle, or even arrested by US forces. He was purchased from an armed gang that trades in hostages and kidnap victims. Quite a good earner in lawless regions.
I think he was deffo up to no good. However I have to agree that if you don't charge him you let him go. Maybe, just maybe, if they thought they had some good intel, hold him for a week or two but years in prison with no charge is criminal. We can't have it both ways. Many of us moan about the risk of radicals in Islam, myself included. Some think the religion is probably the most backward in the modern world, myself included. However the minute you start mistreating folk like this, no matter what your suspicions, you are as bad as most others. Thankfully he wasn't executed.
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