Should Boris return?

If only Mottie had a grasp of statistics, he might be able to learn something. But he wouldn't like it, so he won't.

Even some of the old Brexers have changed.

Sadly for the young, by the time dUK is allowed a second chance, more years will have passed. Many of the old Brexers will not live to see it.

But perhaps we will find a way into the Single Market before then.
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Latest odds, Paddypower

Sunak 1 to 4

Johnson 3 to 1

Betting shops don’t have much faith in Johnson.

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak's talks about striking a 'unity' leadership deal have come to an end after more than three hours – as a bombshell Mail on Sunday poll found he would offer the Tories the best chance at a General Election.

The former Prime Minister met his ex-Chancellor at 8pm last night, where he argued that if he re-entered No 10 with Mr Sunak in a senior role it would avoid a divisive battle.

Allies claimed Mr Johnson's hand in the negotiations is strengthened as he would most likely win any ballot of Tory members. In return for giving his former Chancellor a top job, Mr Johnson would expect 'strict loyalty' – and if he couldn't secure that, he would 'leave Rishi to it'.

Another supporter said the former Prime Minister, who flew back to the UK from his Caribbean holiday yesterday, aims to forge 'an alliance in the national interest'.

The crunch summit is believed to have ended shortly before 11.20pm. No details about the talks were immediately forthcoming.

Plans for a face-to-face meeting yesterday afternoon were delayed, with both sides blaming the other for the hold-up.

The two men have been political foes since Mr Sunak's resignation this summer helped to bring down Mr Johnson, and last night allies of the former Chancellor questioned the claim by the Johnson camp that they had secured the backing of the 100 Tory MPs needed to secure a place on the ballot.

They suspect they were being 'bluffed' into 'folding' too soon. By yesterday evening, the number of MPs offering their public backing had reached 127 for Mr Sunak, 53 for Mr Johnson and 23 for Ms Mordaunt.

Meanwhile, a Deltapoll survey for this newspaper found that if a General Election was held today, Labour would have a lead of 25 points – and an astonishing majority of 320.

But if Mr Johnson was Prime Minister, the lead would be cut to ten points, with a Labour majority of just 26. When voters were asked how they would vote if Rishi Sunak was the leader, Labour had a lead of 17 per cent and a projected majority of 124. Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt, who is struggling to get enough MPs to back her leadership bid, would lose to a Labour majority of 216.
Shows what a bunch of unpatriotic numbskulls those Conservative voters are.

No doubt mottie will tell us that polls are worthless.
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Shows what a bunch of unpatriotic numbskulls those Conservative voters are.

No doubt mottie will tell us that polls are worthless.
Relax, calm down John. Boris will sort it all out. He usually does.
I predict he'll be second in the top 2 to Richy Sunak. Richy will see the racist Tory writing on the wall, do a deal with Bozza and step aside. The racist blue rinsers don't want, 'one of them' in charge.

I don't mind if Boris does win. ... But I'd like to think your wrong. Rishi will be good for club and country.
Sorry, should I have excluded you? Your intelligence wasn't insulted?
Is that because you didn't foresee Mottie's pathetic attempt with his so called "official" figures when he knew and he'd already been told that no such data was ever recorded. So the nearest to "official" figures are the numerous published analyses.
Or was it because you preferred to collude with his pathetic attempt?
Not aware that it ever has

Unless you know different

Got a problem with what I said take it up with the constitutional expert who was on any questions last night

Or you can make a complaint to the BBC as he was on the prog at there behest in order to “specifically” answer these types of questions
You presented the post as your own opinion. There was no reference to nor quote of anyone else. So you need to take responsibility for your opinion.
If you want to deny responsibility, then do the decent thing, follow the accepted format for accreditation and provide links to your source.

And before anyone argues this is a social website, not a university exam, it's the accepted procedure for a purpose.
For instance, I could say any old thing, e.g. "the Holocaust never happened". Then when I am challenged on it, I can easily say, "it wasn't my opinion, I was just repeating what i heard on the radio, and the challenger should take it up with GB News, or whoever." etc.

It's just a cowardly get-out, 'don't blame me' excuse. It's totally unacceptable in any scenario.
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If only Mottie had a grasp of statistics, he might be able to learn something. But he wouldn't like it, so he won't.

Even some of the old Brexers have changed.

Sadly for the young, by the time dUK is allowed a second chance, more years will have passed. Many of the old Brexers will not live to see it.

But perhaps we will find a way into the Single Market before then.

Yawn. From the first link you give: "Older people with fewer formal qualifications most likely to have voted Leave". Most likely is just an opinion. One that you just happen to agree with because it suits your argument. A bit like your "100 trips a year to London and never been stopped by police" to back up your argument in the Dawn Butler thread.

I'm going to borrow something I saw on this site only this morning, it applies to your 'theories'. Try to get your head around it.

We do know, by the numerous post-referendum analyses.
So stop the denial of the blatantly obvious.
My reply to JD in the preceeding post applies to you too.

Tell us all how the pre 2019 GE analyses turned out, presumably by the same professional guessers.
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Good to see that, as usual, mottie has nothing to support the beliefs he claims to hold. He even brags that his own "knowledge" is meagre and unsatisfactory.

Mottie fantasises that Brexers have support among the under-65s.

As with the damage Brexers have caused to the nation,

Mottie doesn't care.
Good to see that, as usual, mottie has nothing to support the beliefs he claims to hold.

Mottie fantasises that Brexers have support among the under-65s.

As with the damage Brexers have caused to the nation,

Mottie doesn't care.
There’s no data yet you insist you know how people would have voted. You don’t and neither do I. Nobody does. Accept that fact and stop spouting shîte to suit your argument.

As with most things, JD is making things up or thinks that by constant repetition turns things into fact. A bit like his 'paper driving licence' fib.
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